2021/22 Frank Lampard

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City fan here. Just wanted to say my thoughts on you staying up and Frank too. Made up for you and always had a great amount of respect for your club and fans. Frank will kick on next season with some shrewd purchases I reckon, met him when he played that half season for us and he’s a top bloke who actually gives a [Poor language removed] about the fans. Good luck for next season, hopefully we score early doors tomorrow and stroll it.
Nice post, thanks. Good luck to yourselves tomorrow!

The Gomes selection nearly cost him his job. Even the half-wits of this forum knew before that match that he couldn't make that selection and expect a good outcome. I think Frank gets plenty of credit for rescuing a terrible situation - one he made even worse after his first 10 games here - but there are some glaring mistakes in there too that need to be acknowledged.

Overall, kudos to him. He's likeable and has transformed the atmosphere - not only from Benitez but from where it was the night we lost at Burnley. This summer will make or break him. If he relies on the vast bulk of the current squad next season, he'll be gone by the international break for the World Cup in November. I hope he cuts loose on the squad now and truly renews us.
He does acknowledge them, which is one of the best things about him. He knows he needs to improve and is doing just that. Big difference to the last fella who hasn't learned anything new in a decade but still thought he knew it all
He come in.

'Everton sit 16th in the Premier League and are just four points above the relegation zone having won one and drawn three of their last 14 matches'

He was naive, idealistic.

He shrugged off/dismissed talk of relegation.

He downplayed it - day one "things haven't gone well, that's why am here but I don't want to talk about what happened before me..."

He wanted to quickly move away from Benitez' grim style.

"enjoy the ball...."

He had us going away from home with a high line and high press and didn't adjust after having our arses handed to us on a plate.

He went to doing nothing but talking about issues/what happened before him. Evasive, damage limitation.

In Lampard's first 10 games - only 1 team picked up less points. In that time we've scored the least amount of goals (level with Brighton)

Thankfully, he 'twigged'. He wasn't stubborn, he become pragmatic and adjusted. He started to talk about the now/immediate.

He started to say the football would come afterwards and he'd openly say players weren't involved as his focus was the group to get us out of this mess. Now was a time to fight, not "enjoy the ball"

The fans - Hans Tours in particular who rallied fans around Goodison was absolutely massive. Those wins vs Chelsea and Man Utd and last min equaliser vs Leicester really saved our bacon.

Loads of 'ifs and buts' in football but we could have been dead and buried.

If we lost to Chelsea, and Burnley beat Watford we'd have been on 29 points and them 37 and I think that psychologically would have killed us. The pressure would have been too much on players and belief in the fan base.

Is Lampard the right manager for Everton?

I've don't know. To me, he's Marco Silva v2. I've no clue.

This season doesn't tell us a lot IMO. Some exceptional circumstances. As much as the fans united, I speculated whether he was right man wrong time in that he wasn't the right pragmatic fix for a relegation scrap. That could be the case.
I think that's almost completely right. He saved us, but he helped put us in the position we needed to be saved from. It was pure folly to believe this team could play itself out of trouble.

I would say this though: at that point - the point when the honeymoon was over and we hadn't shifted from danger - he rose to the challenge; not just in terms of changing tactics but also keeping his head together and the team's belief in tact. That's not just about a lack of stubborn-ness, it's leadership.

He's come through 17 games and he'll have learned more about himself and these players than he would if he'd had the new manager bounce then faded.
He does acknowledge them, which is one of the best things about him. He knows he needs to improve and is doing just that. Big difference to the last fella who hasn't learned anything new in a decade but still thought he knew it all
Yes, he has been very pragmatic and flexible. Carlo was famously flexible and non-ideological, so it augurs well. We don't need another ideologue right now.
Don't delude yourself.

The fanbase can basically be divided, crudely, into those who turned into the Smurfs over the past month and the clapping seals who become tumescent at the sight of Bill Kenwright on the big screen.

When worlds collide...
Well I never clap like a seal because I clap with great skill and grace of movement, but never at BK
so I guess that makes me a Smurf, but which Smurf am I?! This is the important life altering question I will ponder today ?
I think that's almost completely right. He saved us, but he helped put us in the position we needed to be saved from. It was pure folly to believe this team could play itself out of trouble.

I would say this though: at that point - the point when the honeymoon was over and we hadn't shifted from danger - he rose to the challenge; not just in terms of changing tactics but also keeping his head together and the team's belief in tact. That's not just about a lack of stubborn-ness, it's leadership.

He's come through 17 games and he'll have learned more about himself and these players than he would if he'd had the new manager bounce then faded.
Exactly. He has credibility now as a manager. He has kept Everton in the Premier League. He had none when he arrived. This credibility gives him a real chance to rebuild now.

Exactly. He has credibility now as a manager. He has kept Everton in the Premier League. He had none when he arrived. This credibility gives him a real chance to rebuild now.

I know FL was shifting about a bit at some points, trying to position himself outside of the mess with a few "this was like this before I came here" type comments, but that was ditched as the heat of the battle became hotter. The sleepless nights he must have had with the enormity of the pressure of keeping a club of this size and historical importance in the top flight status its enjoyed for 7 decades!

That is some education he's had here. He can feel very secure in his position - and that's what we all need right now: stability.
I feel like I need a shower after reading the last two pages of this thread. Anyone having a go at this man can get straight in the bin. You don’t understand the culture of the Everton fanbase and what we want.
The main complainer can't understand the culture of the fan base. He watches us on a lap top 5000 miles away and never experienced goodison.
I know FL was shifting about a bit at some points, trying to position himself outside of the mess with a few "this was like this before I came here" type comments, but that was ditched as the heat of the battle became hotter. The sleepless nights he must have had with the enormity of the pressure of keeping a club of this size and historical importance in the top flight status its enjoyed for 7 decades is unknowable.

That is some education he's had here. He can feel very secure in his position and that's what we all need right now: stability.
He can finally start the real work - which is to make this his team. It's been firefighting up to now, but I have been impressed with his pragmatism and, as you rightly remind us, his ditching of the blame game stuff that came across as very defensive at the time. I mean, we knew things were bad when he came here - that's why he was asked to come here! That stuff betrayed a man spooked by the realisation that this task was enormous, the responsibility massive.

But he has come through and conducted himself superbly. While I liked Roberto's positivity and demeanour, Frank strikes me as authentic. He says it as he sees it. I like the, Frankness, so to speak. Roberto would dress up the undressable. That grated. Frank now embraces the challenge. I think he ran from it a bit in shock after the honeymoon collapsed.

He has been open to the emotions of this club. I'm much happier with him now than I was when he was appointed. He has cut his teeth as Everton manager. I am cautiously optimistic now - but November is a river that needs to be crossed. If we do not get the player turnover we need this summer and start the season badly, Moshiri's trigger finger will be twitchy during the break for the World Cup. Let's just hope this kind of talk is banished forever after some good transfer business this summer.
I feel like I need a shower after reading the last two pages of this thread. Anyone having a go at this man can get straight in the bin. You don’t understand the culture of the Everton fanbase and what we want.
And I am getting sick and tired of simpletons like you that taint this forum with that toddler like black/white attitude. Some people arent fully against or fully behind some aspects of people that work for this club you know. You like aspects of benitez reign, plenty of middle fingers. Get a life.

I think Lampard is the perfect fit because he isnt perfect. He is also not high profile galactico manager that was Ancelotti and to an extend, benitez. Lampard clearly needs to learn a few things, but his attitude is the right one and he is clearly very busy with constructing something. He will not be bought away when Benitez rumors going to Newcastle surfaced just 8 weeks into the season.

We survived, despite Gomes, Keane and lets now look ahead and see what a good summer prep brings. Personally I think he now should start Alli, and deploy him a bit more. Such a gifted technical touch, great passing. Great. Also give one of the young forwards like dobin a run out. That would be nice. But by God, let people be and publish opinions that arent bordering on sycopath adulation. Again, this isnt elememntary school, or at least, it shouldnt be.

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