Farhad Moshiri

7+ Years On... Your Verdict On Farhad Moshiri

  • Pleased

    Votes: 107 7.8%
  • Disappointed

    Votes: 1,264 92.2%

  • Total voters
5 years ago we had someone who wouldn’t spend a penny.
Ironically we have a chairman who is hated for spending too much money.

‘Everton that’
His failure isn’t to do with spending money.
It’s a string of poorly judged appointments.
A failure to structure the club to develop successfully.
Failure to select or support a DoF to do all the above.
Interfering too deeply in purely football decisions.
Presiding over an increasingly shambolic , demotivated and hopeless football club.
That’s why his popularity has fallen so dramatically, nothing to with how much he has or hasn’t spent.
FFP is the real bad guy here. City, Chelsea et al were allowed to bladder money all over the place to build the best teams. Mosh would have done the same.

God bless.
Somewhere in a parallel universe Moshiri has just landed Chris Wood for £40m and Fabian Schar for £30m as our assualt on cracking the top half of the table picks up pace.......

His failure isn’t to do with spending money.
It’s a string of poorly judged appointments.
A failure to structure the club to develop successfully.
Failure to select or support a DoF to do all the above.
Interfering too deeply in purely football decisions.
Presiding over an increasingly shambolic , demotivated and hopeless football club.
That’s why his popularity has fallen so dramatically, nothing to with how much he has or hasn’t spent.
There was an expectation when Moshiri arrived that it would be the end of Kenwright and his ruinous reign.
Most expected 'professionals' to be appointed and for the club to move into the new era. Even allowing for a 'token role' or 'honorary' position', few believed he would still have the influence he does.
Things are the same, but with even bigger debt, even bigger confusion and absolutely nobody taking responsibility.
Oh, and a totally divided fan base ,)
There was an expectation when Moshiri arrived that it would be the end of Kenwright and his ruinous reign.
Most expected 'professionals' to be appointed and for the club to move into the new era. Even allowing for a 'token role' or 'honorary' position', few believed he would still have the influence he does.
Things are the same, but with even bigger debt, even bigger confusion and absolutely nobody taking responsibility.
Oh, and a totally divided fan base ,)

Personally think whatever plan or strategy that was had has never been given time and left to people who failed.

End of the day, there's not that many owners in the premier league that make decisions that the fans constantly embrace.

City, United, Chelsea etc all had periods of absolute disarray on their own levels that have. United hate their owners. Spurs fans hate Levy. City kept chopping managers and spendings millions on guff but kept going at it. Chelsea dropped out the top 4 a few times etc etc.

At the moment he's on to his 2nd "clear the decks" review in 5 years and brought the wrong manager in to do that - although I don't think the majority felt it would be this bad.

Honestly the club is a mess. We actually have money now and gone backwards
Can't argue with the Gone Backwards bit.

But as to 'We have Money'

I fear what we might have is a load of potential debt.
A wise man once told me when I, in my ignorance said...I see xxx xxx made a record loss.
'You can't 'make a loss'
You sustain a loss
And we've been sustaining losses for how long?
AGM due soon - another loss?

Anybody got the 5yr running total?
