Fan Advisory Board

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I got the impression last year they were too pally with folk at the club and initially hesitant to speak against the board.
Totally agree mate, they were the clubs mouthpiece and totally out of touch with the rest of the fans, but I think that was down to the owner and chairman doing what they all ways do and interfering in stuff they shouldn’t.

This feels like a real representation of us now, can’t fault them
Not a problem. I head up the Comms sub-committee (despite having zero background in communications!) so I've tasked myself with trying to get out and about more to all the Everton forums to read and discuss issues with Blues - but there are just so bloody many of them nowadays! 🤣

I guess the easiest thing for now is to let people know that there is lots of info on our website (not the most exciting but that's another thing on my ToDo list!) and via our Linktree you can find our YouTube where we've now started putting some videos and our Twitter which is our primary form of communication at the moment. Blues can also contact us via our email addresses (on the website) or via Twitter DMs, and we also hold in-person informal Drop-In sessions at St Luke's before every weekend home game - no appointments necessary. Cheers!

Hugely noticeable difference in the ethos of the FAB recently.
It certainly hit a bit of low point when the likes of Han etc quit.
Credit to you all; keep fighting the good fight.
Totally agree mate, they were the clubs mouthpiece and totally out of touch with the rest of the fans, but I think that was down to the owner and chairman doing what they all ways do and interfering in stuff they shouldn’t.

This feels like a real representation of us now, can’t fault them

I was never convinced by Jazz either , struck me as a decent fella perhaps not the right time for him to guide it. I sensed apprehension in his voice when the subject of the board came up. He refused to answer a straight question at a meeting on his thoughts of the board which to me only brought more negativity and cynicism to FAB.
Not a problem. I head up the Comms sub-committee (despite having zero background in communications!) so I've tasked myself with trying to get out and about more to all the Everton forums to read and discuss issues with Blues - but there are just so bloody many of them nowadays! 🤣

I guess the easiest thing for now is to let people know that there is lots of info on our website (not the most exciting but that's another thing on my ToDo list!) and via our Linktree you can find our YouTube where we've now started putting some videos and our Twitter which is our primary form of communication at the moment. Blues can also contact us via our email addresses (on the website) or via Twitter DMs, and we also hold in-person informal Drop-In sessions at St Luke's before every weekend home game - no appointments necessary. Cheers!
Nice one Pab - doing sound for us.
Not a problem. I head up the Comms sub-committee (despite having zero background in communications!) so I've tasked myself with trying to get out and about more to all the Everton forums to read and discuss issues with Blues - but there are just so bloody many of them nowadays! 🤣

I guess the easiest thing for now is to let people know that there is lots of info on our website (not the most exciting but that's another thing on my ToDo list!) and via our Linktree you can find our YouTube where we've now started putting some videos and our Twitter which is our primary form of communication at the moment. Blues can also contact us via our email addresses (on the website) or via Twitter DMs, and we also hold in-person informal Drop-In sessions at St Luke's before every weekend home game - no appointments necessary. Cheers!
Coming on this forum and speaking to us normal fans says volumes, and is exactly what a great comms person should do.
Keep up the good work advocating for a better Everton.

Hello all - it's Pablo from the FAB here. Thanks for all the positive comments on this thread - they are very much appreciated, but I'll just say a few words in response to some of the other comments I've seen along the way (not just here but elsewhere too) to give a bit more insight into what the FAB is (and - possibly more importantly - what it isn't).

I only joined the FAB in the summer after it had been running for a year, and I was in all honesty fairly sceptical about whether FABs were a genuine thing, or if it was just the clubs (and Premier League) paying "lip service" and being seen to be doing something to show that they can police themselves and to try to avoid an independent regulator being brought in.

I can now categorically state that the Everton FAB is absolutely independent. We work WITH the club, not FOR the club. They never have and never will tell us what to say or when to say it. We do consult them of course, to make sure we've got our facts right, and we will often ask them for their opinion on our plans and our projects, but it's all taken under advisement the same as it is when we consult the fanbase for their opinions on what we are doing. We make our own decisions on what we do and when we do it, and that has always been the case and always will be.

I will also point out that we are just 11 ordinary Evertonians, just like all of you, volunteering our own time to try to help make a better Everton. Nobody on the FAB is or ever will be "hand picked by the club" - we are all fan-elected in some way with some of us representing other similar voluntary groups such as the Heritage Society, the Disabled Supporters Association, the Supporters Club Committee, Womens Supporters and the Fans Forum along with a few more. We're not media trained (yet! it's on the To Do list!), we're not "experts" in any way, and a lot of the work we do for the FAB isn't something we've had experience of before, we're mostly just pretty much winging it and trying to do our best to get things done, so clearly mistakes are going to be made along the way.

For the first year, there was a lot of Admin and setup involved behind the scenes, which resulted in fairly minimal communication and the (in)actions of the former EFC board for the second half of last season also somehow reflected negatively on the FAB despite them having no say in it and just trying to get on with things. However, the result of all that hard work (before my time I might add!) is that we are one of the only independent fan-elected FABs (some of the others even have club employees on them!), we have our own website, email addresses, constitution, terms of reference, code of conduct etc. and we're way ahead of lots of other PL FABs in our setup, but even so, we are still a fledgling organisation, only 18 months old, still learning, and trying to deal with all of the external circus that is our beloved football club whilst also trying to improve what we are doing internally at the same time - all as unpaid volunteers (who receive no favours or freebies from the club as has sometimes been alleged - it's even in our constitution that we can't accept them) doing this in our spare time.

Through improved communication, it feels like we are finally beginning to win over the fanbase and we are determined to keep that positive momentum going. We've still got some enormous challenges to face as a club - points deductions, appalling finances, potential takeovers, interim boards and a stadium move - and as a FAB, but we're hopefully starting to demonstrate that - whether the clubs/PL only ever intended for this to be lip service or not - we're kicking the door in and taking the chance to really give fans a mandated seat at the table and a say in how our football clubs are run - and we will need the continued support and passion of our fellow fans to do that.

Thanks and UTFT 💙
Thanks for all of your hard work and efforts. You are growing into a very professional and important board, the last few months in particular.
Hello all - it's Pablo from the FAB here. Thanks for all the positive comments on this thread - they are very much appreciated, but I'll just say a few words in response to some of the other comments I've seen along the way (not just here but elsewhere too) to give a bit more insight into what the FAB is (and - possibly more importantly - what it isn't).

I only joined the FAB in the summer after it had been running for a year, and I was in all honesty fairly sceptical about whether FABs were a genuine thing, or if it was just the clubs (and Premier League) paying "lip service" and being seen to be doing something to show that they can police themselves and to try to avoid an independent regulator being brought in.

I can now categorically state that the Everton FAB is absolutely independent. We work WITH the club, not FOR the club. They never have and never will tell us what to say or when to say it. We do consult them of course, to make sure we've got our facts right, and we will often ask them for their opinion on our plans and our projects, but it's all taken under advisement the same as it is when we consult the fanbase for their opinions on what we are doing. We make our own decisions on what we do and when we do it, and that has always been the case and always will be.

I will also point out that we are just 11 ordinary Evertonians, just like all of you, volunteering our own time to try to help make a better Everton. Nobody on the FAB is or ever will be "hand picked by the club" - we are all fan-elected in some way with some of us representing other similar voluntary groups such as the Heritage Society, the Disabled Supporters Association, the Supporters Club Committee, Womens Supporters and the Fans Forum along with a few more. We're not media trained (yet! it's on the To Do list!), we're not "experts" in any way, and a lot of the work we do for the FAB isn't something we've had experience of before, we're mostly just pretty much winging it and trying to do our best to get things done, so clearly mistakes are going to be made along the way.

For the first year, there was a lot of Admin and setup involved behind the scenes, which resulted in fairly minimal communication and the (in)actions of the former EFC board for the second half of last season also somehow reflected negatively on the FAB despite them having no say in it and just trying to get on with things. However, the result of all that hard work (before my time I might add!) is that we are one of the only independent fan-elected FABs (some of the others even have club employees on them!), we have our own website, email addresses, constitution, terms of reference, code of conduct etc. and we're way ahead of lots of other PL FABs in our setup, but even so, we are still a fledgling organisation, only 18 months old, still learning, and trying to deal with all of the external circus that is our beloved football club whilst also trying to improve what we are doing internally at the same time - all as unpaid volunteers (who receive no favours or freebies from the club as has sometimes been alleged - it's even in our constitution that we can't accept them) doing this in our spare time.

Through improved communication, it feels like we are finally beginning to win over the fanbase and we are determined to keep that positive momentum going. We've still got some enormous challenges to face as a club - points deductions, appalling finances, potential takeovers, interim boards and a stadium move - and as a FAB, but we're hopefully starting to demonstrate that - whether the clubs/PL only ever intended for this to be lip service or not - we're kicking the door in and taking the chance to really give fans a mandated seat at the table and a say in how our football clubs are run - and we will need the continued support and passion of our fellow fans to do that.

Thanks and UTFT 💙
Thank you for the info. Much appreciated. Keep up the good work.
Not a problem. I head up the Comms sub-committee (despite having zero background in communications!) so I've tasked myself with trying to get out and about more to all the Everton forums to read and discuss issues with Blues - but there are just so bloody many of them nowadays! 🤣

I guess the easiest thing for now is to let people know that there is lots of info on our website (not the most exciting but that's another thing on my ToDo list!) and via our Linktree you can find our YouTube where we've now started putting some videos and our Twitter which is our primary form of communication at the moment. Blues can also contact us via our email addresses (on the website) or via Twitter DMs, and we also hold in-person informal Drop-In sessions at St Luke's before every weekend home game - no appointments necessary. Cheers!
Just never let that prize trumpet Jazz speak again.
Totally agree mate, they were the clubs mouthpiece and totally out of touch with the rest of the fans, but I think that was down to the owner and chairman doing what they all ways do and interfering in stuff they shouldn’t.

This feels like a real representation of us now, can’t fault them

As I've said I wasn't on the FAB last year, but I can tell you that they absolutely weren't a mouthpiece for the club - and particularly not for the owner and former chairman (neither of whom came anywhere near the FAB other than for the - very contrived - Q&A session with Jazz) - in fact, the FAB even announced a vote of no confidence in the former chairman so that doesn't tally with that either, does it?

As I said, I too was sceptical, but when you are as distrustful of the club as we fans were last season then you kind of mistrust everything that they are linked with - and I think the FAB were unfortunately lumped in with that last season.

Regardless, I'm happy that the fans seem a lot happier with the FAB nowadays - long may that continue.

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