Everton vs Burnley - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

Everton Man of the Match

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This this is a consequence of pragmatism.

At Real etc, his team played brilliant football.

When he brings in more of his players it'll get better IMO.
Of course you are entitled to your opinion but that was some time ago now and he has been sacked at most of the clubs he has been at.

See, I don't think it was.

They went at us. Because that's what teams do. If they get at us early, they know they can then sit back and play on the counter because we can't break them down.

Look at Newcastle, and Fulham. Teams we expected to come and sit deep to an extent, but what they actually did was press us high and force mistakes and that gave them the confidence to go on and win the game, and completely shook us.

Yesterday, the first half especially, was not a 'classic' Burnley display at all. They absolutely ragged us in that first half, then in the second just asked us what we could do - the answer wasn't much.

Carlo changed it, but his subs were crap, as he left Gomes on and that left us totally exposed in midfield and Burnley just ran through us on the counter and we had no way of building any pressure.

Teams aren't coming to sit back against us, at least not at first. They come to dominate us, because it's bloody easy.
I mentioned in the thread about our major issues that this was the biggest worry for me this season.

In certain games and in certain spells of games, I've seen us play some good football so I know that we CAN play.

However, without the ball, I've never felt as if we were in control of the situation because I've seen every team we've come up against play through us or play round us. Rotherham passed us off the park for large portions of the cup game ffs. Even teams with reps for awful anti football have stepped up and played some nice stuff against us.

I don't know if it's the system we employ, the players we employ or what. I'm not tactically atatute enough to work out exactly why it's so easy to create space and passing lines for any team play
I do hold Ancelotti fully responsible for some dire performances and defeats this season,the Newcastle home and away games along with Fulham at home being the stand outs,his team selections,set up and tactics all being wrong in 3 very winnable games...
Do not think yesterdays game was in that category,we do have injuries in key areas limiting his options,he did change formation when needed and we did create chances,something we failed to do in the home defeats i refer to.
The point of reckoning will for me come when the majority are his signings and if we continue to play the same defensive,predictable slow turgid dross we currently see all to often then questions of him will need to be asked.
Should of made iwobi do an interview about how comfortable he was in his preferred position.
I read it as if he was talking about the Nigeria management playing him in his preferred position more than about Carlo. What he said was:
'Always an honour to get called up for my national team, hopefully I get to play in my preferred position'

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