Everton v Liverpool, Wednesday 1st December 20:15

Everton MOTM vs Liverpool

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We had a kopite in front of us, he was ok at first, then started scoffing and laughing at us. When fans kicked off, the steward kept coming over to check on him and assured him they had other seats for him to sit in?? After he wound fans up again, she came over to check on him and I lost it.

She asked me if I had a problem and I said "yes, why are you looking after a fan that shouldn't be here and is winding fans up? You gonna give him a hotdog next?." She got the police and I was threatened to be taken out of MY seat. My seat I've had for god knows how many years. Thankful to those around me who kicked off at that and eventually he was moved, despite him continually saying "I've paid for this seat"

Laughable isn't it. At most clubs they'd probably get attacked. Our fans aren't like that luckily but the club should throw them out of the ground straight away.
Don't know if it's been mentioned before and it probably didn't pick up for those watching it on telly but our fans were immense last night. The noise was crackling at times, shame we can't give all teams the welcome we gave the RS and Son (of a bitch) a few weeks ago. We need to try to do the same for Arsenal on Monday.
That game has become the most important of the season after last nights shambles. We simply have to arrest this slide down the table.
Meh.. outplayed by a far better team …. Although

1st goal was a great finish

2nd and 3rd goals … no other team in the league is conceding them …. One was defensive naivety and the other was
an inexplicable mistske

4th goal was a great finish too .. maybe Allan could do more ? Maybe Pickford could do better

Not sure that's true about the 2nd and 3rd goals to be fair, I feel like Salah scores at least 1 like those every week.

4th goal Allan shouldn't get turned as easily as that.

Thought generally we looked as though we weren't concentrating at the back, or like we didnt know where we were meant to be half the time. Coleman and Pickford getting in each others way after about 15 seconds was just the start.
Not sure that's true about the 2nd and 3rd goals to be fair, I feel like Salah scores at least 1 like those every week.

4th goal Allan shouldn't get turned as easily as that.

Thought generally we looked as though we weren't concentrating at the back, or like we didnt know where we were meant to be half the time. Coleman and Pickford getting in each others way after about 15 seconds was just the start.
Second goal Digne was out of position high up the pitch… long ball over the top and salah has a free run in on goal .. great finish… third goal Coleman kicks thin air and salah is again clear through on goal and finishes well again… 2 defensive mistakes which led directly to 2 goals is how I saw it mate.

Walsh as a scout was fine , but as director of football with control over the budget a disaster.
Koenan and Silva were just awful.appointments with no managerial pedigree.
I'd argue that Ancelotti was a poor fir unless you gave him a huge budget.
As for Allardyce and Benitez WTF was he thinking , so yes I'd say he has made terrible footballing decisions, and I haven't even started on Brands yet.
Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? None of those worked out, but to pretend they weren't exciting appointments at the time. Yeah nah. This forum was overwhelmingly in favour of all of them at the time (not Allardyce obviously), let's not pretend otherwise.
Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing? None of those worked out, but to pretend they weren't exciting appointments at the time. Yeah nah. This forum was overwhelmingly in favour of all of them at the time (not Allardyce obviously), let's not pretend otherwise.
In all honesty;

1. I thought Walsh was a great capture as the scout who discovered Kante etc but was concerned that he'd never been a DoF.

2. I thought Silva , Allardyce and especially Benitez were terrible appointments.

3. I thought Koeman was a decent capture but was slightly concerned about his managerial record in Spain.

4. I thought Ancelotti was a wonderful appointment. I was wrong.

5. I'd never heard of Brands but at least he had been a DoF.
Second goal Digne was out of position high up the pitch… long ball over the top and salah has a free run in on goal .. great finish… third goal Coleman kicks thin air and salah is again clear through on goal and finishes well again… 2 defensive mistakes which led directly to 2 goals is how I saw it mate.
Having watched the game last night, and the short higfhlights today on Youtube, I offer the following on the goals conceded:
First goal: when the opposition are attacking in the 'last third', it is incumbent of our midfielders to be at the edge of the penalty area to cover any pull-backs to intercept/pick up any low crosses there. No one was tight enough on Plug, who was able to steer his shot with his weaker foot. Not the first time this season that that area has been bereft of our misfielders. Midfielder error...
Second goal: Two things. 1) When we are attacking, we need at all times to maintain a defensive shape and mark the opposition attackers who stay upfield. Sadly Digne was yards away from Salah when the pass to him was unleashed. After that, Digne was never going to catch him. 2) Pickford's positioning, given that every man and his dog knew where Salah was going to place his shot. Take a look at this screen print. Pickford was too far over to his (Pickford's) left, and left the major area where Salah was going to shoot wide open. He should have been at least a yard to his right, to give himself a good chance to make the save. Two positional errors.
Salah's first.jpg

Third goal: Coleman was given a ball to control that was waist-high to him. Terrible header by Allan. Not Coleman's fault in my view. Allen could have headed the ball to safety, had he had the spacial awareness required to note that Salah was simply going to take chance on charging down Coleman. Error by Allan. Into the mix, we should also put the corner we had, which didn't beat their first defender. That corner should have hgih right in centre of the 6-yard box, like every one of their corners.
Fourth goal: Good turn and shot, but stay upright Pickford, DO NOT go down in an instant!

At 2-1, they did look to be a bit rattled in the second half, and then we let them in with the softest of chances...

In all honesty;

1. I thought Walsh was a great capture as the scout who discovered Kante etc but was concerned that he'd never been a DoF.

2. I thought Silva , Allardyce and especially Benitez were terrible appointments.

3. I thought Koeman was a decent capture but was slightly concerned about his managerial record in Spain.

4. I thought Ancelotti was a wonderful appointment. I was wrong.

5. I'd never heard of Brands but at least he had been a DoF.
That sounds much more rational then your previous post ;)
Not much there I can disagree with, and if we add in that he has spent half a billion quid of his own money (maybe not his own but the club hasn't been lumbered with that debt) and the new stadium, I would say he has tried his best for us, but hasn't got the results he has deserved. Yet.

Also worth noting that when those appointments didn't work out, it was Moshiri that moved them on and tried something new. Which I am sure he will continue to do until he gets it right

look at this awful team

There are 9 everton players back defending this play and only 1 liverpool player in the box

the ball is played between coleman and gordon and gets through to jota the only liverpool player in the box and he scores

utter comical defending

liverpool weren't even trying and still scored
Having watched the game last night, and the short higfhlights today on Youtube, I offer the following on the goals conceded:
First goal: when the opposition are attacking in the 'last third', it is incumbent of our midfielders to be at the edge of the penalty area to cover any pull-backs to intercept/pick up any low crosses there. No one was tight enough on Plug, who was able to steer his shot with his weaker foot. Not the first time this season that that area has been bereft of our misfielders. Midfielder error...
Second goal: Two things. 1) When we are attacking, we need at all times to maintain a defensive shape and mark the opposition attackers who stay upfield. Sadly Digne was yards away from Salah when the pass to him was unleashed. After that, Digne was never going to catch him. 2) Pickford's positioning, given that every man and his dog knew where Salah was going to place his shot. Take a look at this screen print. Pickford was too far over to his (Pickford's) left, and left the major area where Salah was going to shoot wide open. He should have been at least a yard to his right, to give himself a good chance to make the save. Two positional errors.
View attachment 147388
Third goal: Coleman was given a ball to control that was waist-high to him. Terrible header by Allan. Not Coleman's fault in my view. Allen could have headed the ball to safety, had he had the spacial awareness required to note that Salah was simply going to take chance on charging down Coleman. Error by Allan. Into the mix, we should also put the corner we had, which didn't beat their first defender. That corner should have hgih right in centre of the 6-yard box, like every one of their corners.
Fourth goal: Good turn and shot, but stay upright Pickford, DO NOT go down in an instant!

At 2-1, they did look to be a bit rattled in the second half, and then we let them in with the softest of chances...
Sorry but how you work out that Allan is to blame for Coleman's inability to control a ball hardly played to him at any speed i just don't get that one it was Coleman's fault all over. Agreed on the rest except maybe the fourth should have been defended better.
Gray is the only player who can walk off that pitch with his head up. why did we think these players would turn! They can't even play the Dogs of War. BTW who voted for Godfrey!!!!

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