Everton Summer Transfer Thread - 2022

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Once we get a striker in, we are potentially going to be starting games with 8 players who didn't play for us 9 months ago.

That's a huge turnaround of the squad that we have been saying is needed for the last few years.

Really need to offload some of the hangers on now.
It's been a huge window in fairness. The best thing about it is we've only lost Richy out of the entire squad in terms of actual performers for us. I know people moan and all that but if you genuinely look at this squad fully fit it is really only light a backup forward and that's about it, maybe a set piece taker but that's less of a position and more just individual skill. For a club that is in financial turmoil the credit must go towards Thelwell and Lampard by the looks of it, they've done astonishingly well with the resources they've inherited.

Won't get ahead of myself but it seems like the first time that we've sold a big player and actually used the money wisely, hopefully it's a turning point for the club. Adding a forward that can come in for DCL when he's injured and be an option from the bench when he's fit is literally something that takes this squad up to an even higher level.

We've got a young squad with a few very good experienced heads in it at the moment and even if we can't shift a lot of deadwood this summer there's loads more out of contract next summer. If we can keep our heads this year and do respectably well, we might actually go into next season with a fully functional and quality squad for literally the first time in probably over a decade by then.

The rot is almost over, I can feel it.
Striker links from the start of Summer still available:

El Bilal Toure

One name there stands out above the rest by a mile.

Rondon is able to do the target man hold up stuff likely as good as the journeymen strikers we've been linked with. Whst we need is a goalscorer

It's been a huge window in fairness. The best thing about it is we've only lost Richy out of the entire squad in terms of actual performers for us. I know people moan and all that but if you genuinely look at this squad fully fit it is really only light a backup forward and that's about it, maybe a set piece taker but that's less of a position and more just individual skill. For a club that is in financial turmoil the credit must go towards Thelwell and Lampard by the looks of it, they've done astonishingly well with the resources they've inherited.

Won't get ahead of myself but it seems like the first time that we've sold a big player and actually used the money wisely, hopefully it's a turning point for the club. Adding a forward that can come in for DCL when he's injured and be an option from the bench when he's fit is literally something that takes this squad up to an even higher level.

We've got a young squad with a few very good experienced heads in it at the moment and even if we can't shift a lot of deadwood this summer there's loads more out of contract next summer. If we can keep our heads this year and do respectably well, we might actually go into next season with a fully functional and quality squad for literally the first time in probably over a decade by then.

The rot is almost over, I can feel it.

22m on a 20yo PSG striker and a loan of a chelsea 22yo and wed have a really good balanced side with a bit of decent depth
One name there stands out above the rest by a mile.

Rondon is able to do the target man hold up stuff likely as good as the journeymen strikers we've been linked with. Whst we need is a goalscorer

Yeh this really doesn't give anyone reading your post an answer. Unless you're talking about Kalajdzic literally standing out above the rest being massive.
Who is our playmaker in the hole?

It's been a huge window in fairness. The best thing about it is we've only lost Richy out of the entire squad in terms of actual performers for us. I know people moan and all that but if you genuinely look at this squad fully fit it is really only light a backup forward and that's about it, maybe a set piece taker but that's less of a position and more just individual skill. For a club that is in financial turmoil the credit must go towards Thelwell and Lampard by the looks of it, they've done astonishingly well with the resources they've inherited.

Won't get ahead of myself but it seems like the first time that we've sold a big player and actually used the money wisely, hopefully it's a turning point for the club. Adding a forward that can come in for DCL when he's injured and be an option from the bench when he's fit is literally something that takes this squad up to an even higher level.

We've got a young squad with a few very good experienced heads in it at the moment and even if we can't shift a lot of deadwood this summer there's loads more out of contract next summer. If we can keep our heads this year and do respectably well, we might actually go into next season with a fully functional and quality squad for literally the first time in probably over a decade by then.

The rot is almost over, I can feel it.
? I think this is already the best window in years for just making more sense. Just need more goals in the squad now.
Yes we still have some dross but we’ve made some big signings in important areas!!
Confident of decent progress now..

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