Everton Summer Transfer Thread - 2022

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Spectacular crying it in, all in hand my dear Chemic
Feels like there's an actual plan now - provided a striker is signed ofc. And not different factions in the background doing their own thing
I heard Simon Jordan on a TS snippet about Everton the other week refer to Marcel Brands as a charlatan. Given this appeared to be Bills take on him after the fact however what it did paint was a fractious picture of what was a very important component of the club that was failing badly.

It sure does seem better now with the focus on players to fit a system and signing those with the right attitude and experience and this bodes well going forward. It seems like a good start anyway.

Slightly off topic lads but why have I just won the lot and been devalued to 40m from 60m, I mean 60m was an outrage to start with I have been suck at 60 for about 6 years, I am shaking.

I also had all of those pop at the same time today. Probably some software update or something for the forum.

Simply put this team has improved massively by adding Tarkowski and Coady to the backline, how many points last season would we have salvaged by having an actual back line. Nearly 20 games last season we conceded 2 goals or more, that's a disgrace. However we only had 12 games that we didn't score in. There mightn't be a whole pile of goals in the team so far but it's far easier to win a game 1-0 or draw when we actually have defenders that are capable of keeping the ball out of the net.

The pair of them will be massive and earn points on their own this season. If we generate more goals around the team we'll be so much better, especially if we can get DCL somewhat fit for a good period. Look at it this way, hammerings like Watford and Norwich last year don't happen this year as well as games where we weren't close to competitve like giving 5 to Spurs and Arsenal, games like that absolutely derail a season and ruin the confidence of players. Even look at Chelsea the other day, a decent performance in a loss against a very good side is something that the fans, players and manager can take positives from. If the only team this season that turn us over completely is Man City then I'll be happy, they'll do that to anyone up and down the league.
Simply put this team has improved massively by adding Tarkowski and Coady to the backline, how many points last season would we have salvaged by having an actual back line. Nearly 20 games last season we conceded 2 goals or more, that's a disgrace. However we only had 12 games that we didn't score in. There mightn't be a whole pile of goals in the team so far but it's far easier to win a game 1-0 or draw when we actually have defenders that are capable of keeping the ball out of the net.

The pair of them will be massive and earn points on their own this season. If we generate more goals around the team we'll be so much better, especially if we can get DCL somewhat fit for a good period. Look at it this way, hammerings like Watford and Norwich last year don't happen this year as well as games where we weren't close to competitve like giving 5 to Spurs and Arsenal, games like that absolutely derail a season and ruin the confidence of players. Even look at Chelsea the other day, a decent performance in a loss against a very good side is something that the fans, players and manager can take positives from. If the only team this season that turn us over completely is Man City then I'll be happy, they'll do that to anyone up and down the league.
We currently have no goals though. We still urgently need a signing. You cant win with that front 3 from Saturday no matter how good your defence is.
Like I said in another thread, I am encouraged that we are sorting problems out.

However, I think if we had a bad run it’s interesting to think that Thelwell in Coady will now have a bit of an inside man in the dressing room who could nudge him if he thinks the players need a change.

Not sure whether that’s a good or bad thing but it’s something to think about potentially but hopefully it doesn’t get to that

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