Everton January transfer window 2021

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This is a what’s app message doing the rounds!!!!

Just been sent this, not sure how true so don't shoot messenger!

"We’re trying to force Bernard out. If Bernard goes, we are getting King.

However, it’s all hinging on the PL.
Bernard can’t join the other club until 3rd feb. So we’ve asked the PL can everything be done apart from him actually going so looks like it’s down to them

Also, Pickford has injured himself in training. Back. Seems bad"
Now this is the kind of weaseling I'm here for.
I've a degree in economics - I am not suggesting we spend €100m. I am saying we should have been able to ensure our world-class once-in-a-generation manager had some options with which to strengthen the squad in the event of an injury to one of our two forwards or our right back. To expect this is not to expect us to break transfer records. It's basic good management. It's why people like Marcel Brands are employed.

You're right, though. Carlo is no fool. He'll know he won't be thanked if we finish mid-table, which is pretty much where this squad is destined to end up given the lack of even shallow depth.

Honestly having a director of football who doesn't want to do business in 50% of the windows he has available is a massive issue for me.

If no one comes in on loan today we're 2 injuries away from Yerry Mina doing his best Stracqualursi impression up top

Loans reduce financial burden and increase the likelihood of players leaving permanently. It's a step in the direction of 'clear out.' Let's not get pedantic about it.

We'll struggle for the remainder of the season, and finish nowhere remarkable, with what's left. I'd take that every day of the week if it means another summer window like the last one.

Slow, steady progress with the long term in mind at all times. Short sightedness got us in this mess in the first place. There's no other way around trying to recover from the utter state we were.

This year we're competitive, next year we truly challenge. Carlo called it at the start of the season. Keep patience.
Genuinely wish the majority of our fan base thought like this. Calm,rational,balanced thinking. Instead it's littered with needy self entitled Merkins.
I haven't seen that yet. All I see is a languid footballer without the ability/strength to back it up.

Hope he can come good but, yeah, as you say he needs a loan. Especially if Bernard is staying.
He's got 5 assists in about 750 minutes of first team football before turning 20. I'm not saying he's the greatest player ever but I find it a bit strange that people act like he is terrible. He's just getting started playing against adults and he's done reasonably well at it. Just needs to learn the game.

He's got 5 assists in about 750 minutes of first team football before turning 20. I'm not saying he's the greatest player ever but I find it a bit strange that people act like he is terrible. He's just getting started playing against adults and he's done reasonably well at it. Just needs to learn the game.

Don't think he's terrible - just think he's miles away from Premier League football. Too passive, never seems to put a mark on a game. Loan will do him good.
He's got 5 assists in about 750 minutes of first team football before turning 20. I'm not saying he's the greatest player ever but I find it a bit strange that people act like he is terrible. He's just getting started playing against adults and he's done reasonably well at it. Just needs to learn the game.
Its the same thing as what I posted about Branthwaite and Nkounkou that you liked.

He's not a chicken yet and we shouldn't be counting him as one. He might turn out good or he might not. Still far too early to tell.

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