Everton Free School

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Chairperson, People's Front of Saint Domingo
Just another example of how this is more than just a football club...

Everton 'school of science' offers salvation from school of hard knocks


By the time she was 15, Poppy had established quite a reputation among teachers across Liverpool. So disruptive was she, when she unleashed her full-on banshee alter-ego, that she could single-handedly bring a large school to a standstill. A whirling dervish of misdirected energy, she was excluded from most of the educational establishments in the city, sent away so that others could get on with learning in peace.

Then, in a last resort, rejected by every school across Merseyside, she was sent to the Everton Free School. There she was given the chance to enrol on a football coaching course. The moment she started laying out cones and preparing sessions on how to counter a tight press, it was, according to the school’s head teacher, Richard Cronin, as if a light had been switched on. Suddenly everything changed.

Now, three years on, Poppy is serving an apprenticeship in the Everton Community Coaching department. So good is she at encouraging others, when her apprenticeship finishes she is likely to be given a job helping youngsters develop their footballing skills.

“Every child has something that will engage them, enthuse them, get them out of bed in the morning,” says Cronin. “It’s our job to find that hook.” At any one time in Merseyside there are up to 600 youngsters permanently excluded from school. Disruptive, disturbed, disillusioned: there are many reasons why they drift out of the system.

Now, thanks to the auspices of one of the area’s Premier League clubs, as many as 150 of them are being given an opportunity to re-connect with education at the Everton Free School.


“These are children who have fallen through the cracks in the pavement,” says Cronin. “We give them a fresh start. When they come here, the slate is wiped clean.”

The school is just round the corner from Goodison Park, in a smart new building filled with light and air. When stepping through the front door it is impossible to miss the connection with the football club down the road. On the walls hang portraits of Everton heroes painted by the pupils, the classrooms are named Labone, Harvey or Ferguson and the children and teachers alike are kitted out in royal blue Everton tracksuits.

“Though obviously we’re not restricted to Everton supporters,” says Cronin. “We have one lad here who lets it be known he wears a Liverpool shirt under his school uniform. He says he doesn’t want anything blue touching his skin.”


Everywhere is the thrum of quiet diligence. Every child who enrols here is given intensive tuition in English and maths. In one classroom, Jake, 15, is doing some work towards his maths GCSE, under the close supervision of a student from Edge Hill University (staff to pupil ratios are as high as one to six).

“I come here because it means I’ve not been written off,” Jake says. “I’ve changed since I come here.” The evidence is in his attendance record: in his last year at conventional school he was going in 25 per cent of the time; this year at Everton it is 96 per cent.

Maths and English are but the start. Elsewhere there is a class being taught Organic Chemistry, another being taught the history of Liverpool, a third are being given lesson in self-defence by the former national karate champion Harris Jonas. “I have to admit when I first came here I was frightened of the kids, I thought, ‘Blimey they’ve all been excluded, this is going to be a nightmare’, ” says Jonas. “But as soon as I walked through that front door that changed. I could sense the atmosphere was so encouraging.”


Upstairs, in the sixth form block, a group taking sports science BTEC are preparing for a trip to Shanghai on July 1. When they get to China they will spend 10 days coaching schoolchildren in football skills.

“There’s 15 of us going and as far as I know none of us speak Chinese,” says Katie, who travels two hours a day to get here from her home in Speke. “But it’s the international language of football.” If it seems an unlikely thing for a Premier League club to become involved in full-time education, Denise Barrett-Baxendale, the director of the Everton in the Community programme, suggests it is an entirely logical step that many should follow.

“Our community department has long been engaged with helping local people,” she says. “And what we found was, whatever issues people faced – be they housing, employment, health – at the core of it all was education. We realised if we can intervene at that level, a lot of the issues further down the line won’t arise.”

Taking advantage of the government’s Free School programme introduced in 2012, Everton put their name and resources behind the new school, targeting those who had been rejected by the conventional educational system. Opened in 2013 and borrowing space in Liverpool Community College, it moved into its specially constructed premises two years ago. Most of the funding comes from a £6 million Department for Education grant, but the club provide all the back-office facilities, uniforms, even the catering (every child is entitled to free meals). But most of all what it has bequeathed is the Everton badge.

“That’s the lure,” says Barrett-Baxendale. “I make no bones about it. That’s what initially gets them through the door. And if they come along because they think they’re going to bump into Phil Jagielka in the corridor, that’s fine by me. As long as they come.” In truth, there is every chance pupils might bump into the Everton captain: Jagielka is a regular visitor to the school, often turning up unannounced to help in the classroom. As are many of the first team squad: Tom Davies and Ademola Lookman had been round the day before The Telegraph.

Not that football is the only point of reference. “The first dozen kids we had enrolled here were the roughest, toughest lads,” recalls Cronin. “We thought, best point of connection was football. And one, ‘Don’t like football.’ Turns out he loved boxing, so we got a boxing coach in. Another lad fancied DJing, so we got a DJ in.”

And then there was the boy who unexpectedly found a penchant for horticulture when the pupils made a bunch of hanging baskets for a local care home. Now he has an apprenticeship at the club’s training ground, with a view to becoming a groundsman. “No child should ever be written off,” says Cronin. “And here they know they won’t be.”

However, two pupils I have taught at a special school have been allocated a place there and still failed due to disruptive behaviour. Sent back to our PRU as they couldn't find 'the hook'. Where then for these kids?
However, two pupils I have taught at a special school have been allocated a place there and still failed due to disruptive behaviour. Sent back to our PRU as they couldn't find 'the hook'. Where then for these kids?
I really don't want to seem horrible but some people in life are beyond help, it's unfortunate but true. Everton are not the answer to every problem out there, but at least they try there hardest. Not every story has a happy ending unfortunately
EFS receives more than three times worth of funding per pupil than a mainstream secondary school. So, given those resources then it really should be doing a good job. I hope that the students really do have improved 'life chances' but so should all.

However, two pupils I have taught at a special school have been allocated a place there and still failed due to disruptive behaviour. Sent back to our PRU as they couldn't find 'the hook'. Where then for these kids?

EFS receives more than three times worth of funding per pupil than a mainstream secondary school. So, given those resources then it really should be doing a good job. I hope that the students really do have improved 'life chances' but so should all.

Be a prick in normal school... get rewarded.


Seriously ??

EFS receives more than three times worth of funding per pupil than a mainstream secondary school. So, given those resources then it really should be doing a good job. I hope that the students really do have improved 'life chances' but so should all.

Had a similar level of investment been made earlier on in their education, perhaps they would have turned around earlier. There are many reasons why children fail at school; deprivation, poor family background, abuse and more but they are children and if we don't at least try to turn their lives around, what does that say about our society. The school may well get 3 times as much per pupil compared to the average secondary, but how much more will it cost if they don't turn their lives around. How much do you think it costs to support someone who is unable to access employment, who instead turns to crime or substance abuse?
I'm not against trying to help anyone but it would be fair if the kids doing well were also rewarded with the same opportunities like trips to shanghai.

Is it fair if you've grown up watching your dad smack your mum around, if your parents are more concerned about their next hit than they are about you? Is it fair if the people who are raising you are mentally ill and you end up being their carer? Perhaps it's time something was 'unfair' in their favour for some of these kids.
Had a similar level of investment been made earlier on in their education, perhaps they would have turned around earlier. There are many reasons why children fail at school; deprivation, poor family background, abuse and more but they are children and if we don't at least try to turn their lives around, what does that say about our society. The school may well get 3 times as much per pupil compared to the average secondary, but how much more will it cost if they don't turn their lives around. How much do you think it costs to support someone who is unable to access employment, who instead turns to crime or substance abuse?
Is it fair if you've grown up watching your dad smack your mum around, if your parents are more concerned about their next hit than they are about you? Is it fair if the people who are raising you are mentally ill and you end up being their carer? Perhaps it's time something was 'unfair' in their favour for some of these kids.
Is it fair if you've grown up watching your dad smack your mum around, if your parents are more concerned about their next hit than they are about you? Is it fair if the people who are raising you are mentally ill and you end up being their carer? Perhaps it's time something was 'unfair' in their favour for some of these kids.

You just assuming they come from backgrounds like that because it doesn't mention anything in that article about it, it does say about 'Poppy' who's 'disruptive' and 'the roughest toughest lads' and kids who've been excluded being selected. if they're from backgrounds you describe then they should be given a few extra privileges but it's still no excuse for being a tit either.

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