Everton - Endgame

What will be the endgame

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Not to be confused with what Debbie did to Dallas.
Ah the infamous Dallas scene, where it turns out Bobby was in the shower all along and the preceding episodes had all been some truckle of cheese induced fever dream. Great days the 80's. Ironic huh.
In the case of Administration who after the taxman and redundancy payments would be preferential creditors? If 777are then it's no wonder they are throwng borrowed moneyafter borrowed money into something they don't own. Are they assuming they'd get the lot back plus the interest as per the deal? They are Evertons bank now after all. Something is not stacking.
End up being the 'chrysler stadium', which they own the rights to outright and so the stadium move generates not one red cent extra for the club, but in fact quite the opposite. We'll end up with hicks and gilette yet, or very similar, run on a shoestring with every penny siphoned out as quickly as possible. The pursuit of profit, regardless of who or what you have to bury to get there.
Mystery Owner eh?


Take it off, Take it off . . . . . .

“Mystery Group” is the fantasy answer.

It’d be great for some mega wealthy consortium to swoop in and soothe our souls, but until I see something concrete, I’ve no reason to believe it’s a realistic possibility.

Any “mystery group” is just as likely to be a bunch of asset stripping vultures as anything else.

I reckon MSP + 1 is a reasonable possibility, if it’s true that their loan has these provisions that allow them to take control in the event of a default.

But equally, there is a chance 777 rearrange enough deck chairs to get the sale through before they plunge beneath the icy north Atlantic and take us down with them.

Not a lot of happy options… but then, I don’t know anything.

It will be 777 in the end .
No matter how dodgy they are shown to be ,
How many court cases they are fighting
How many delinquent debts they accrue
How many planes they get repossessed
How low their credit rating plunges
How many investigations they are subject to
How many extra weeks it takes for them to prove they have the finances
How many of their businesses crash and burn
How gormless Wander looks
Despite all this , Moshiri is still determined to sell us to them.
He is selling us down the river.
I can only conclude that he has actually developed a hatred for Everton and it’s supporters and is deliberately selling us to the worst possible buyers he could find out of pure spite .
The media are having a field day with us, and most of it is absolute bollocks. TalkSPORT stating we have to sell are most valuable asset Pickford. Huh.? Really.? We would get a lot more for Branthwaite. A few weeks ago they had a midnight countdown clock for our debt to be paid or Administration……. And guess what hahahah.
“Mystery Group” is the fantasy answer.

It’d be great for some mega wealthy consortium to swoop in and soothe our souls, but until I see something concrete, I’ve no reason to believe it’s a realistic possibility.

Any “mystery group” is just as likely to be a bunch of asset stripping vultures as anything else.

I reckon MSP + 1 is a reasonable possibility, if it’s true that their loan has these provisions that allow them to take control in the event of a default.

But equally, there is a chance 777 rearrange enough deck chairs to get the sale through before they plunge beneath the icy north Atlantic and take us down with them.

Not a lot of happy options… but then, I don’t know anything.
As a Rangers fan who also has an interest in Everton, watching events, unfurling over the last year or so fills me with dread as to the way this is potentially going, once these characters get a hold of the club and the administration option is used and assett stripping begins, it's a long and painful road back.
Sincerely hope Everton can get through this and a survive but as a lot are saying it isn't looking good.
