Homepage Article Chicoazul's Everton v Burnley Preview

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cracker - well done! definitions of Burnley will live in my thoughts for a while. Had a mate who lived there in the eighties... He sent me out to get some cheese from the grocery store while he and his misses were cooking. The Arkwright behind the counter just said " Red or white" them's the choices in Burnley. I thought I'd get a bottle of wine too for mien hosts and was again offered "Red or White" that was the selection there too. On reflection I should have asked him which he would recommend with a poached salmon.... or if he was a supporter of 'United' just for continuity
Another good one.

Look forward to these almost as much as a Carlo presser ;)
Me too. ;)
There are many similarities really. Which bits to take seriously? Did he really say that? Watched it/read it and still came away none the wiser. It's not the choice of words that matter, it's the manner in which they are delivered.
But MAINLY it's just that when you watch the presser/read Chico's preview you start to get that feeling of "not long now" :dance:
Me too. ;)
There are many similarities really. Which bits to take seriously? Did he really say that? Watched it/read it and still came away none the wiser. It's not the choice of words that matter, it's the manner in which they are delivered.
But MAINLY it's just that when you watch the presser/read Chico's preview you start to get that feeling of "not long now" :dance:
Aye....with a cheeky smirk on me chops :)

Me too. ;)
There are many similarities really. Which bits to take seriously? Did he really say that? Watched it/read it and still came away none the wiser. It's not the choice of words that matter, it's the manner in which they are delivered.
But MAINLY it's just that when you watch the presser/read Chico's preview you start to get that feeling of "not long now" :dance:
Me dar can never know. Hope you’re well man.
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cracker - well done! definitions of Burnley will live in my thoughts for a while. Had a mate who lived there in the eighties... He sent me out to get some cheese from the grocery store while he and his misses were cooking. The Arkwright behind the counter just said " Red or white" them's the choices in Burnley. I thought I'd get a bottle of wine too for mien hosts and was again offered "Red or White" that was the selection there too. On reflection I should have asked him which he would recommend with a poached salmon.... or if he was a supporter of 'United' just for continuity

Red and White make up the skin colour options in Burnley too

GOT could close the Everton threads and just sticky this bit....absolute classic from @chicoazul

”Well that’s it now isn’t it, all gone to absolute [Poor language removed] hasn’t it? Told you we were a million miles off, all these flukey wins and then we play real opposition and find out how good we really are. Eighth at best. At very best. Carlo’s got a lot of work to do, need at least six big signings in summer and that’s just to be competitive. No leaders in this team, wouldn’t get onto Catterick’s bench. Frauds stealing a living. Need a full clear out this summer and if Moshiri doesn’t want to cough up then he can get out too pronto. NSNO lad.”
Wonderful work of fiction.
We have 11 league games and a quarter final, so 12 matches minimum left, and the match v Villa is still to be arranged, probably in midweek.
Should we beat Citeh, another match will have to be rearranged, so the midweeks will be thrice what you told us.
I have now decided to wet my bed.

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