Homepage Article Chicoazul's Chelsea Preview

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In the top pic Peter Bonetti looks as though he's dwelling on his performance in the West Germany game. Hopefully Mr Mendy will try and re-enact it this evening.

Enjoyed the read, but you asked what gets me happy and gives me that extra buzz after a win?

Knowing that our keeper and defence looked solid and confident throughout. Like a suave dapper gent stood coolly in the shade whilst everyone else is sweating profusely and swatting wildly at flies that just won't quit. He then lights his cheroot, alights into his air conditioned carriage with a hint of a smile, as Raquel Welch disrobes slowly in front of him.

Seeing our midfield press dominate possession like a blitzkrieg advance over the Polish border (well, you did mention fascists); effortlessly mopping up loose balls like Nora Batty on pay day; appreciating the value of possessing the ball like a precious crystal family heirloom and only risk releasing it when putting the opposition into danger (think Peter Sutcliffe on day release).

Watching our strikers bully their defenders like Miss Havisham subjugating young Pip; of seeing them use their pace to pull the defenders at their will where they want, like a footballing Gerry Anderson but with no strings attached; and then finishing with aplomb, confidence and arrogance leaving you with a slight feeling of guilt that a net bulging like an obese tracky wearing Mum's belly in Aldi on a wet Monday evening was ever in doubt.

Reading the game effortlessly and making maximum effort look minimal and nonchalant.

So, as you very rarely get all of the above at once (and if you do, better check you're still of this earth) I get that extra 'je ne sais quoi' from experiencing a generous portion of pick and mix of the above.

And, in normal times, the cherry on top would be heading down the boozer to relive the game with your mates whilst consoling the reds among you for having a home record worse than Fred and Rosemary West.

Here's to Carlo blowing calmly on his cuppa at full time this evening as Big Dunc goes ape in the background.
Just two country miles down here;

Chico goes on a ramble, we hear a butterfly, I nearly step in a small patch of rant, but, in the end, we're none the wiser about the team or the result
No change really

Can I get a 6times Laa?

Edit; The real question...not addressed anywhere above...(how can you call yourself a preview, when you avoid the big questions)
will it be worth me getting up at 0345hrs local time and being wrecked all day?
Edit2; I'll take a point ta.
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Chico goes on a ramble, we hear a butterfly, I nearly step in a small patch of rant, but, in the end, we're none the wiser about the team or the result
No change really

Can I get a 6times Laa?

Edit; The real question...not addressed anywhere above...(how can you call yourself a preview, when you avoid the big questions)
will it be worth me getting up at 0345hrs local time and being wrecked all day?
Edit2; I'll take a point ta.
Exactly the point. Someone got it at least, yay! Futility and noise.

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