Bill Kenwright

Forgot about this gem. Lovey dovey cuddly grandad Bill showing his true colours. Vermin.

Sums him up perfectly that video…

Talking about an underperforming manager “He’s the most wonderful person” Oh well, that’s that then… How dare anybody question his tactics or decisions if he’s a lovely bloke.

The man has dragged this club down to the gutter.

Being a nice fella means you’re guaranteed to get away with second rate standards.

We will not go anywhere with Kenwright still involved in the decision making process. Period of transition could be anything from months to years. He needs to go. Sack the board was aimed at him also, in fact probably mostly him. Mad decision this. The only positive is that more people are on the board to hopefully curb his incompetence. We will continue to fail so long as this man is involved. He came in 1989 we've been gash since. He's the curse.
A staggeringly mental and acrimonious decision to keep Chairman Bill on in any capacity at all - I have tried to give moshiri the benefit of the doubt but that’s finished - they both need to go.

Nothing will change while they are both here - the chance to unite the club, kill the protests and win himself some brownie points totally wasted, and then add some lazy internal appointments for the other roles (nothing against Chong who seems to have done a good job on BMD).

We will have a chairman who isn’t welcome at Goodison park and won’t attend home matches come the new season - utterly baffling and depressing.

God help us.
