Beto vs Calvert Lewin: Who deserves to be our starting striker?

Who should be our starter?

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Player Valuation: £1m
I think this is a good time to create a thread like this. Halfway into the season and some people endorse DCL starting, some want Beto. What do you think is the best option?

DCL was a development signing for 1.5m. He’s given a good service to Everton.

The hate he gets is poor. Sure he’s not doing well, but he offers the team something. His remit is goals, and that’s what he should be judged on - he’s in poor form and not offering goals, he does however understand the tactics dyche wants.

Beto on the other hand is a 30m signing who can’t kick a ball, head a ball, pass a ball, press, stay onside…

What I find most worrying is how tired Beto looks after his 10/15 minute cameos.

It’s not his fault he’s been signed for 30m I get that, but watching him you could have signed virtually any championship striker and they’d likely have offered more.
Well, my playing days are behind me and my knees are knackered but i'd be willing to stroll around for 75/80 minutes and fail to hold the ball up or have a meaningful shot on target - if we're looking for a third option?
DCL was a development signing for 1.5m. He’s given a good service to Everton.

The hate he gets is poor. Sure he’s not doing well, but he offers the team something. His remit is goals, and that’s what he should be judged on - he’s in poor form and not offering goals, he does however understand the tactics dyche wants.

Beto on the other hand is a 30m signing who can’t kick a ball, head a ball, pass a ball, press, stay onside…

What I find most worrying is how tired Beto looks after his 10/15 minute cameos.

It’s not his fault he’s been signed for 30m I get that, but watching him you could have signed virtually any championship striker and they’d likely have offered more.

Beto had a pretty good response when he arrived here. Fans saying he looked direct, with pace, if knackered after 70mins (rather than the 7 apparently now).

Everton could not afford to get even average championship strikers through the door back then as no-one was going to offer the try before you buy option Beto came with. Christ knows what disaster the likes of Che Adams would've been, even though he's a much better match for playing alongside DCL.

Thing is we have not the option of giving Beto a 10 game run to see how it, and he, develops. DCL is a known quantity, good and bad.

Probably Calvert Lewin through gritted teeth. Both look crap in games but only one starts so I can't imagine how bad Beto must look in training.
We could have Haalland up front for us, but whilst you have McNeil & Harrison playing even he wouldn't score
This is the issue for me. There’s no service for the strikers. Admittedly yesterday we were against city but far too often in the game DCL was on the halfway line picking up the ball. He’s never gonna score from there. Carlo had it right, stick him in the box and get service to him.

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