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Think this needs a thread in the ale house
Speaking of new threads if Gordon does leave we have a tremendous opportunity to explore if angry Evertonians chased yet another young scouse talent out of our club before they could peak and we feel the benefit.

Anyways lads remember just be sound to each other as per this thread.

I don’t have to tell you things are bad. Everybody knows things are bad. It’s a depression. All of our players are bad and if they show any promise they get sold. Fifty million buys you half a Grealish. Uncle Uz has gone bust. The Mods are keeping ban hammers in every thread. Punks are running wild in the EO and there’s nobody anywhere who seems to know what to do, and there’s no end to it. We know 3-5-2 is unfit for the Prem and our squad is unfit to play, and we sit watching blag streams while some wannabee ITK tells us that today we’ll sign Januzi and sell Gordon for a tenner, as if that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

We know things are bad – worse than bad. They’re crazy. It’s like everything everywhere is going crazy, so we don’t go to the CA anymore. We sit in the alehouse, and slowly the forum we are living in is getting smaller, and all we say is: ‘Please, at least leave us alone in the alehouse. Let us have the bomb shelter and fit birds thread and the word association thread and we won’t say anything. Just leave us alone.’

Well, @GrandOldTeam is not going to leave you alone. He wants you to stop getting MAD! He doesn’t want you to protest. He doesn’t want you to riot – he doesn’t want you to write to your MP, because he wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. He doesn’t know what to do about transfer strategy and relegation and the metropolitan elite and the moaning in the EO. All he knows is that first you’ve got to stop getting mad. [shouting] You’ve got to say: ‘I’m a super blue, god-dammit! My posts have value!’

dave is mad as hell.PNG


As I'm sure many of you will have noticed - there has been an increase of angst across the forum.

We're all Evertonians.

Well, 99% of us...

If someone posts something you disagree with - you can say so without being an arse.

Give people the benefit of doubt. Digital platforms are increasingly partisan and abusive - let's continue to try and buck the trend on here. Newer members in particular might need more encouragement, especially if they're used to the Everton battleground of Facebook and Twitter.

Sure, criticise and critique but insults, no matter how mild, sour the atmosphere of the forum. It risks a broken window effect and setting a false 'fair game' precedent across the forum.

'Play the ball, not the person...'

If someone does insult, please use the report function to prevent threads becoming full of bickering.

While I'm here moaning, a reminder;
  • On Topic
Please make every effort to ensure you don't divert a thread away from it's topic in the Everton forum. Threads in the Everton forum really need to stay on topic.
  • Moderators
Most are brilliant towards our moderators but there's been a bit of in increase in snarls recently.

Our forum rules have been in place for 15+ years. They're here if you'd like to refresh your memory. If you've registered, you've agreed to these rules/terms of service.

Our moderators are all volunteers who work to enforce our rules for the benefit of the community.

Let's not waste the time they do volunteer.

As an example then;

Poor, profane or obscene language of any type is not welcome - even in jest.

If you swear *gasp*, and if it's picked up by a moderator, you will receive a warning;

Within this warning is what I'd hope is a very clear and fair explanation as to why we have this rule;

  • "Bad language or profanity negatively impacts our search engine ranking, puts us at risk of losing our advertising income and above all, it sours the atmosphere of the forum"
... Don't then react by being an arse to the volunteer moderator - that you're a victim who is being censored, or how you're an adult and you'll swear if you like, or how you've saw others swear and "get away with it". It's nonsense and it doesn't reflect well on you.

Please do consider the above, think before you post and help us maintain your community so we can collectively accurately represent the fan base with pride.

Nice one.
I see people posting bad language in memes and linked tweets quite often, is that allowed as it doesn't impact search results?

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