A new sense of expectation.

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Player Valuation: £60m
Now that it has been confirmed that David Moyes is leaving and I have had 24 hours to come to terms with his leaving,I find myself with a buzz of excitement for the future.

I think David Moyes had gone a little stale at Everton and probably the club needs a new face to inject a new sense of enthusiasm.
I have found the second half of this season in particular tedious,with the cup defeat at Wigan the last straw.

The club is bigger than any one person and I think at our club that wasn't altogether true anymore.I look forward to the excitement a new manager brings,a new style of play,maybe some of academy players are more hopeful today as well.

This is not to take from what David Moyes has done for us and I thank him for that,but sometimes love affairs need to end and both parties need to move on and after eleven years that time has come.

I think we will be pleasantly surprised with the calibre of manager applying for this job . The next couple of weeks will be interesting.
Wouldn't say I have a buzz yet, waiting to see who we get as manager first. I think we had become comfortable under Moyes in that we always knew he'd have us in and around the top 8 but deep down we all knew he couldn't take us any further. Is the new man going to be capable of doing it?

Whoever comes in has a good squad to work with and may have decent money to spend should Fellaini/Baines leave. Just can't get excited until I know who the new gaffer is. Dreading it being Lennon or Hughes.

I wouldn't mind Lennon but would hate the Hughes/Keane/Big Sam/Big Eck/MON school of merry go rounders
I think Moyes did a tremendous job and if funds had been made available I'm sure he would have taken us to the next level. The same financial problems are going to be there but the calibre of any new manager, certainly any of those who have been mentioned, is a cause for concern. I certainly have a feeling of dread about the future.
Anything but buzzing. If it was a new board however....
No man is bigger than the club is true though... who said he was by the way?
Gutted Moyes is going but excited at the prospect of seeing some attractive football next season under a new manager.

I'm a bit nervous about the coming summer. We need to get a new manager in asap so he can get a grip of the players and try and get their confidence that the club will continue. If we have to wait for a new manager, I can see Fellaini, Baines and perhaps a few others wanting to leave. No player would want to go on their holiday without knowing what to get back to.

This summer will definately show in which direction the club is going. The new manager need to get the backing of the board and he also need to feel that there is fundings available to strengthen the squad. But if the squad knows that no new faces will arrive unless someone else leaves for big money... the big players might want out before this ship sinks.
theres no new expectations with me. i expect bk to remain and muck up on almost everthing everton related , starting with the next manger choice.i also expect that manager to have the same hurdles obstacles and restraints to deal with as moyes did , which will be a nice 'get out of jail free card' for his failings or a 'how good am i despite the restraints' badge for his successes.
IMO, we had gone as far as we were ever going to have. For 11 years I had watched as the nearest of the "also rans" to get anywhere near the big 4.

He tried, he failed (to win anything) and he moved on. (I know about the lack of cash etc).

He bought stability and left us with great players, he jst could not get them to perform at a level required often enough.

My hope now is that the board are clever and cautious in who they appoint, they need to listen to the fans to an extent and NOT sign Hughes/Keane/Big Sam/Big Eck/MON etc.

I am genuinely buzzin at the thought of next season with a new man (or woman) at the helm with a few new faces and a different approach.

Onwards forwards fellow blues.

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