777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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This is The Premier League who approved The Saudi State, actual war crimes, no problem.

If we thought, "you're not going to mess with us PL, we'll fight you and you'll regret picking on us, you picked on the wrong football club and wrong supporters". Which is how I feel - Seems like the PL now have us by the balls.
The Esk was saying that 777 didn’t have the funds to buy Everton or have not shown proof (not sure if he means just personally to him though).

Does this approval mean that they have provided proof?

apologies not sure what this actually covers…
Not sure myself. I’m assuming it’s checking that the directors haven’t been done for fraud, financial irregularities etc? Presumably proof of funds is between the vendor and purchasers with independent verification from accountants etc? Not sure.
They will ruin us
Moshiri has ruined us too. Not much left to ruin if we are being honest. My only hope is that we are going to be their flagship brand. We will be the biggest club that they own by some margin, in a league which has a massive spotlight on it at all times. If they wish to continue to invest in football especially then it is imperative that ‘ruining Everton’ does not appear on their CV. Just hoping they’re no worse than the current ownership

@Goat Your bestie seems to be panicking a bit here, been barely a week after his last piece about how he was so sure they wouldnt get regulatory approval and how administration was his expected outcome. Seems hes now having desperately clinging to the PL rejecting them which you admit is unlikely... Might want to have a chat with him before you all write the next piece.

Meanwhile the outcome everyone ELSE has been expecting seems to be almost here.
Are they approved now? Sounds like it is almost a done deal. While I don’t want this it’s all very well citing newspaper reports but a lot of it is hearsay, allegations or whatever else you want to call it. Remember, these are the papers that tell us so and so is signing for us or so and so is being sold every season. If you believe everything they say then you need help.
