777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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Without doing much research but i can see this being a clever move by Moshiri

First, i seriously doubt that he will sell his shares on the cheap to help the club (as being reported), he will make sure he gets all his money back, even if it will take years, even if his children or grandchildren end up being paid.

Second, he might be using 777 as a tool, as a service, they will be the new face of the club, we will no longer be owned by an Iranian billionaire the partner of Russian oligarch, we will now be owned by American investors.

We might never find out who those "partners" are, Moshiri will disappear from the public eye, the old regime will be removed (Kenwright will be out), new board, CEO, Chairman. Money will be available as needed (already mentioned in the club's announcement that the stadium built money is now secured), nobody will knew the "source" of the money, it will always be "partners"/"investors".

The premier league and government/authorities will have an idea about it and will allow it to happen.

The fans will get what they wanted (Moshiri/Kenwright out), authorities will get what they wanted (no longer owned/linked to Russian oligarch), the club already improved the financial fair play thing with the last 3 years of fire sale and wage reduction.

Is it ethical? No, should we care? No
Is it dirty money? Most probably yes, Should we care? No
Hahahaha, your talking about a man that’s spent nearly a billion quid to battle relegation. A man that’s made the same mistake time after time after time since he’s arrived. A man that’s kept people running the club that have us on the verge of breaking point, and you think he’s clever enough to pull that off.
Football Insider (via BBC gossip) reported yesterday that Thelwell submitted three recruitment plans to 777 and got a very cold response and there are concerns within the club about their intentions to invest in the squad. Questionable source I know, although they called Beto if I recall, but concerning if so.

While I understand the stadium is the key to unlock increased revenues etc, those are only likely to be realised with a PL team on the pitch. Hopefully hogwash.

What were the strategies?

Players we can get for free
Players we can get for a fiver
Players we can't get unless we sell most of the squad.

To be fair, their model is this super data analytical moneyball system and invested zero into the playing squad of any of the teams they owned.

I'll give Kev some credit based on the circumstances he's under that he can spot a player.
Without doing much research but i can see this being a clever move by Moshiri

First, i seriously doubt that he will sell his shares on the cheap to help the club (as being reported), he will make sure he gets all his money back, even if it will take years, even if his children or grandchildren end up being paid.

Second, he might be using 777 as a tool, as a service, they will be the new face of the club, we will no longer be owned by an Iranian billionaire the partner of Russian oligarch, we will now be owned by American investors.

We might never find out who those "partners" are, Moshiri will disappear from the public eye, the old regime will be removed (Kenwright will be out), new board, CEO, Chairman. Money will be available as needed (already mentioned in the club's announcement that the stadium built money is now secured), nobody will knew the "source" of the money, it will always be "partners"/"investors".

The premier league and government/authorities will have an idea about it and will allow it to happen.

The fans will get what they wanted (Moshiri/Kenwright out), authorities will get what they wanted (no longer owned/linked to Russian oligarch), the club already improved the financial fair play thing with the last 3 years of fire sale and wage reduction.

Is it ethical? No, should we care? No
Is it dirty money? Most probably yes, Should we care? No
I wish the evidence of his tenure showed Farhad to be this canny.
I've read this three times and still struggling to get it. Is your point that 777 takes insurance on it's own clubs as a way of hedging the investment?

I read the interview and I took from it that they would be selling FS products to fans - a flawed strategy in my opinion.
I agree that FS products to fans does not look feasible. But I am suggesting that their plan seems to be to sell insurance to investors against the monetized value derived from the passion of fanbases across their portfolio. Essentially, this shifts the ownership risks entirely to the fanbase and keeps the investment relatively safe despite bad decisions on their part.
Our Moshy boy could be the poster child; I had an involuntary discharge of all my friend's money in EFC, but now I am safe and secure throughout the day.

He says this in that FT article which is about football by the way:

The article starts off by saying:
Most of the clubs have been financial underperformers, raising questions about the returns on the firm’s investment, but Josh Wander, who set up 777 in 2015 with co-founder Steven Pasko, said in an interview that critics misunderstood the logic behind its bets.

He then highlights:
777 had $9bn to $10bn of assets under management including a “close to $4bn insurance balance sheet”, he said. All of its funds had been generated by its own operations apart from $250mn it raised in preferred equity, he added.

and then the profile of their company:
Wander and Pasko built 777 from early investments in “esoteric” financial assets such as lottery winnings and structured settlements, in which defendants in lawsuits agree to pay damages over several years rather than as a lump sum.

Hahahaha, your talking about a man that’s spent nearly a billion quid to battle relegation. A man that’s made the same mistake time after time after time since he’s arrived. A man that’s kept people running the club that have us on the verge of breaking point, and you think he’s clever enough to pull that off.

I am talking about a man who fled his country as a young man and arrived in Europe with no money and ended up as one of the richest "accountants" in history, him being bad as football club owner has nothing to do with his businesses/finances
This might be overthinking it a touch. I think it’s more “if we own an insurance company and Everton could we stick a club badge on our insurance products and would people buy it?”.

My guess is that if people perceive (rightly or wrongly) that buying something they need anyway from Everton Insurance rather than say Esure benefits their club then they might.
I can see that as well, to be honest. But I doubt the PL would allow it. Wouldn't the company itself be at very high risk (if rightly done)?
So are they skint or what?
Put it this way. When the teenage Wayne Rooney was briefly terrorising defences and giving Everton fans something to be proud of at long last, these lads were being arrested for doing coke.

When your credibility is as low as 666 Partners' is, these "youthful indiscretions" don't pick up the slack and fill one with confidence - especially when they are currently the subject of a fraud case in US courts and seem very, very slow to pay off the people they have supposedly bought out at other clubs.

Should any or all of these things preclude them from doing a good job on us? No. But would you place your confidence in them doing so? And, moreover, is their version of a "good job" similar to what ours would be?

Moshiri has to go. Kenwright has to go. If this gets rid of both, it's something. But what that something is remains to be seen and it would appear that we are in for very difficult times (not that we weren't under the status quo). This is one takeover where there is little danger of heightened expectations in the fanbase being disappointed... The expectations - such as they are - are set at ankle level.
So are they skint or what?
Depends on what you call skint. Are they going to throw in a billion quid like Chelsea no. My concern is how they spread financial gains if any are made.

For arguments sake Everton turn a profit.
That doesn't necessarily mean Everton are going to get that whole profit next season.

If the portfolio consists of all the football teams they own. Hertha could make a lose and everton profit steadies the ship so to speak.
There have been a few takeovers recently. Normally the new owners set out their stall when the deal is announced. Recall the Birmingham investor did quite a long piece from his office in New York. These are our ideas, we'll get going just as soon as the formalities are complete, league approval, etc. But 777 seem a bit quiet, causing an information vacuum and all sorts of rumours. Not a good start.

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