777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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It’s in writing that the club has to own the stadium when we agreed to use the site for the stadium
Everton have to own the stadium. It was stipulated in the contract signed with Peel.
How enforceable is this? We're struggling to keep the lights on by all accounts. Would the powers that be rather have a building site than a finished stadium with different owners?
I haven't seen the contract between Peel and Everton, no. lol

But, it was definitely reported in one of those construction industry reports that were published online (and shared here) when the deal was signed. Pretty sure it was covered by the echo too, but finding anything on that wretched website with all the pop-ups isn't worth the arseache.

It stated that The Stadium and surrounding land must remain under the Everton Stadium Company Ltd, which in turn must remain under the full ownership of Everton Football Club.

The club put Everton Stadium Company as security against the MSP deal, therefore if the club default the stadium company goes to MSP mate.

777 cant sell the ground as their debt is the most Junior in comparison to our other debt R&M, Metro Bank and MSP, they can pay the debt or rather borrow to pay the debt and do it then mind.
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Inappropriate Language
The club put Everton Stadium Company as security against the MSP deal, therefore if the club default the stadium company goes to MSP mate.

777 cant sell the ground as their debt is the most Junior in comparison to our other debt R&M, Metro Bank and MSP, they can pay the debt or rather borrow to pay the debt and do it then mind.
From beyond the grave that [Poor language removed] still manages to torment us

It is not looking good for this takeover. I hope we don't lose another 9 pts in administration...

Everton takeover: court documents claim 777 'house of cards crumbling down'

There’s been quite a few stories about “court documents” and it should be made clear that these are written by opposing lawyers trying to be as extreme and persuasive as possible. I’ve read a couple of such documents from the US and the lawyers over there really seem to go to town on flowery and extreme language in these sort of things.

Not that it’s necessarily untrue but stuff like this “house of cards” stuff is just words on a page by someone literally being paid to be as extremely anti-777 as possible. It has little meaning until an actual court issues a verdict.
There’s been quite a few stories about “court documents” and it should be made clear that these are written by opposing lawyers trying to be as extreme and persuasive as possible. I’ve read a couple of such documents from the US and the lawyers over there really seem to go to town on flowery and extreme language in these sort of things.

Not that it’s necessarily untrue but stuff like this “house of cards” stuff is just words on a page by someone literally being paid to be as extremely anti-777 as possible. It has little meaning until an actual court issues a verdict.
You`d think 1 or 2 stories perhaps we can pass this off as sensationalism but even without that context there are far far too many negative stories.

Even if I`d only ever seen the London Lions story that would be enough not to want these take over this club.
Another day, another negative story....

It is not looking good for this takeover. I hope we don't lose another 9 pts in administration...

Everton takeover: court documents claim 777 'house of cards crumbling down'

The Echo only 4 days behind on that news.

lol lol

You`d think 1 or 2 stories perhaps we can pass this off as sensationalism but even without that context there are far far too many negative stories.

Even if I`d only ever seen the London Lions story that would be enough not to want these take over this club.
This is my feeling as well. There is way too much smoke for there to be no fire, and we all know Moshiri is not exactly a shining example of upstanding financial dealings, considering his relationship to the mobster in Russia who provided most of his previous funding.
Surprising that there has been no word from 777 or Everton following the PL meeting .
They were quite bullish in their briefings beforehand , predicting approval by the end Feb for instance.
Personally, I am hopeful that this may signal an end to the proposed purchase.
He did say he wouldn't comment further on it, to be fair.
He did say he wouldn't comment further on it, to be fair.
But they have been adept at feeding information to the press promising imminent approval previously.
Seems out of character for them not announce everything is fine and awaiting final approval.
I am convinced if the meeting had been positive we would have heard something by now.
I live in hope .
