777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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And our esteemed board which comprised of Kenwright, Baxendale, Sharp and Ingles didn't see fit to kick up a fuss over this plan of funding it.

They've all got blood on their hands as it's death by a thousand cuts to our club

No doubt swept up the bright lights and positive publicity mate, mana for all three and their profiles, i blame Moshiri every time though - he's a stain, but your right everyone colluded with him and is complicit.
Worst case scenario and money needs to be redirected into the daily running of the club....surely they just stop the BMD build and if need be sell one of our players who might be worth something (Pickford, Branthwaite, Onana) in January in the hope that sees I'd through for another couple of months.

If the build stopped then that would be the red flag surely that the well has run dry.

Can't see us getting a top price for any players we are willing to sell, our competitors smell blood, they know how desperate we are. Don't think I've ever been so down as an Everton supporter.
No doubt swept up the bright lights and positive publicity mate, mana for all three and their profiles, i blame Moshiri every time though - he's a stain, but your right everyone colluded with him and is complicit.

100% mate, he's the majority owner and the buck stops with him.

He has had multiple opportunities to change the board and bring in professional people and have failed time and time again. The fella is an absolute chancer
If we take it the stadium is to be handed over in Dec next year and we still have to raise 250 mill for the remaining cost, you can assume its about 16-17mill a month that needs to go to LOR and i believe we pay monthly.

Its quite bananas we are at over two years into the build and funding isn't in place.
Yeah all these piecemeal cash injections seem to be happening in multiples of 20 so it’s probably the case that between the bulk going to builders and a top up on negative cash flow we need to find 20m a month at the moment.


Can't see us getting a top price for any players we are willing to sell, our competitors smell blood, they know how desperate we are. Don't think I've ever been so down as an Everton supporter.

tbh mate I wasn't even thinking of top money. As @Neiler Suggested, maybe we need 20m per month to survive. So if that was the case and we were desperate

20m for Branthwaite covers Feb
40m for Onana covers March and April
35m for Pickford covers May and 2 weeks of June

Obviously we would be relegated anyway and then probably go into administration regardless, it's just a hypothetical way of how far can we kick the can down the road and for how long
If we take it the stadium is to be handed over in Dec next year and we still have to raise 250 mill for the remaining cost, you can assume its about 16-17mill a month that needs to go to LOR and i believe we pay monthly.

Its quite bananas we are at over two years into the build and funding isn't in place.
Wasn’t funding in place till the end of this year?
Yes I remember reading something similar but thought it was 100m

So there's an option then isn't it. Find 250m to finish the build or call it quits and find 50m to knock it down and put it back to it's original state.

If that was the option and the difference between going into administration and points deductions/possibly folding, then I think nearly every Evertonian would take the absolute gut wrenching hit of knowing the stadium is killing us and we would be down there now dismantling it

You might be right mate, im picking that £50 mill figure just from the back of my head.

Moshiri is a spoofer and lier, but im curious what he meant in his statement on Friday that the stadium funding is secure. What im hoping is - hes so skint and toxic no body is lending him £250 mill, while if new owners came in that may improve how we are viewed by lenders and credit many be more forthcoming. Thats not to say i want 777 at all.

Id find it very hard to decide mate, very hard, if we went into administration - the stadium could be up for sale anyway - and someone else would pay to complete it. Or the administrators could decide to dismantle, but that would be way down their list, they sell the squad first.
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You might be right mate, im picking that £50 mill figure just from the back of my head.

Moshiri is a spoofer and lier, but im curious what he meant in his statement on Friday that the stadium funding is secure. What im hoping is - hes so skint and toxic no body is lending him £250 mill, while if new owners came in that may improve how we you are viewed by lenders and credit many be more forthcoming. Thats not to say i want 777 at all.

Id find it very hard to decide mate, very hard, if we went into administration - the stadium could be up for sale anyway - and someone else would pay to complete it. Or the administrators could decide to dismantle, but that would be way down their list, they sell the squad first.

Yes mate he said funding was secured and that made me think we actually had less to pay for the stadium than the constant 240m that gets bandied about

Won't know anything though until someone somewhere clarifies wtf is going on

Worst case scenario and money needs to be redirected into the daily running of the club....surely they just stop the BMD build and if need be sell one of our players who might be worth something (Pickford, Branthwaite, Onana) in January in the hope that sees I'd through for another couple of months.

We should be actively touting him to other clubs now for a quick sale in January, he’s absolute garbage.
I dont know mate, i dont think anyone does, i would have thought the MSP deal would have seen us have some breathing space to sort the £250 mill - but it doesn't look the case - if we're borrowing a relative paltry £20 mill from 777.
But 20 mil isn’t a huge sum of money, yes it’s worrying, but I’d that more for club cash flow? Rumours of us taking with potter, if ur getting ready to use for a managerial change
Yes I remember reading something similar but thought it was 100m

So there's an option then isn't it. Find 250m to finish the build or call it quits and find 50m to knock it down and put it back to it's original state.

If that was the option and the difference between going into administration and points deductions/possibly folding, then I think nearly every Evertonian would take the absolute gut wrenching hit of knowing the stadium is killing us and we would be down there now dismantling it
If we owe 250m then there’s in the region of 500m spent on that build, it’s surely past the point of no return. In the worst case scenario giving it away for nothing on some sort of lease deal would be cheaper and less wasteful than spending more money on deconstructing. And paying 250m for a 750m stadium would be a good bargain for someone.
But 20 mil isn’t a huge sum of money, yes it’s worrying, but I’d that more for club cash flow? Rumours of us taking with potter, if ur getting ready to use for a managerial change

That why its worrying mate, its small - but its worrying that its small because we obviously need it. The reports have said its for cashflow and the stadium. A month after MSP loaned us £100 mill, why do we need another £20 mill.

Dont get me started on the manager mate, ive already triggered half the forum. lol

Its moving deck Charis around on the titanic (again).
