6 + 2 Point Deductions

The PL’s eyes will have lit up watching Forest go crazy last year. Whilst they are a proper club with history, like us, they can be beasted without anyone caring as long as it didn’t affect their club.

Applying the exact same harsh points punishments to other clubs removes our argument that it’s too harsh and there is no precedent. Someone has to go first.

We are the precedent.
FFP is supposed to exclude costs on infrastructure- so to give clubs an incentive to invest in their ground and facilities. If they’re going to argue we’ve breached the rules over interest payments on payments for a new stadium, that’s ridiculous. Bramley Moore has provided work for thousands of people and is helping to regenerate a brownfield site in Liverpool. How is that under the banner of FFP?
FFP is supposed to exclude costs on infrastructure- so to give clubs an incentive to invest in their ground and facilities. If they’re going to argue we’ve breached the rules over interest payments on payments for a new stadium, that’s ridiculous. Bramley Moore has provided work for thousands of people and is helping to regenerate a brownfield site in Liverpool. How is that under the banner of FFP?
It was us claiming interest payments on an interest free loan from Moshiri that was the issue. Because we disputed this we're probably over again for the same reason.
Said this before but imagine being an old lad who's been going for 60, 70 years but doesn't keep up with all the off-field regulations, or some young kid who's just getting into it, and having it explained to you that the points you watch your team winning keep disappearing because a number on a spreadsheet is larger than another number someone pulled out their arse.
the tory government couldn’t give a flying one about anything from liverpool mate , yous be mad to think that they would

I know, but football is an integral and high profile aspect of Britain, and if the Government simply allow an obviously irrational/incapable Premier League to do this kind of thing, it would cost them votes nationally. It’d be a quick win for the government to ‘side with the fans’ and institute independent regulation of the Premier League - which is what they’re expected to do anyway.

FFP is supposed to exclude costs on infrastructure- so to give clubs an incentive to invest in their ground and facilities. If they’re going to argue we’ve breached the rules over interest payments on payments for a new stadium, that’s ridiculous. Bramley Moore has provided work for thousands of people and is helping to regenerate a brownfield site in Liverpool. How is that under the banner of FFP?

Shiny ground means much bigger revenue, matchday and sponsorship. Which in turn allows us to spend more. They dont want that, we need to stay in our place.

No matter what they do, it will NOT be the end of Everton Football Club.

Worst case scenario, we have to sell almost every player to get the stadium finished, we may even get relegated down to league 1 or 2, but as long as we still have our fans, we will NEVER cease to exist, nor cease to be one of the biggest clubs in the country.
will we have any players to play in it, if we have to sell nearly all players for the new ground lol
This is firmly on Evertonians.

Remember when Everton were splurging money on crap players and those of us questioning the wisdom of this were shouted down “why you arsed it’s not your money”. All those crying about the glass ceiling when Everton were finishing sixth every season so they cried Moyes out and attracted a Moshiri monster.

Drink your medicine, you just got Everton relegated and possibly bankrupted.

May Everton be punished hard to try and restore some integrity back into the game.
I know, but football is an integral and high profile aspect of Britain, and if the Government simply allow an obviously irrational/incapable Premier League to do this kind of thing, it would cost them votes nationally. It’d be a quick win for the government to ‘side with the fans’ and institute independent regulation of the Premier League - which is what they’re expected to do anyway.
mate look what this goverment has gotten away with and it still gets voted in , if it was a top 6 club then maybe but defo not us
