6 + 2 Point Deductions

He’s a Labour MP. While the Early Day Motion may not get far, the ball is rolling. A well worded question by him or another Labour MP at PM Questions about “the Government‘s incompetence and inaction on not progressing an Independent Regulator “ would cause a wee stir!
As long as people in the right places are making noises I’m all for it.

Fan protests and club appeals will only get you so far without the proper backing.
Might I suggest a scenario in which we have a few bad results over the next few weeks (mainly due to a tougher schedule), then upon appeal the PL reduces our points docked by say 50%. We could then sue them for inflicting unnecessary duress upon our players and fans with the original ruling. Assuming results pick up of course :)

I've just looked at the MP for Walton's twitter timeline.

Zip from the club's MP. I mean, it's only the biggest institution in his constituency employing thousands of people and many from Walton, no reason for him to be involved really is there?

Please bombard this MP with demands he makes a fist of this for us. Keeping it civil of course.

I dont mind carden. Been on many a picket line in liverpool with friends of mine.
Though i agree he could have picked this up already.

Hes out there doing important work, a multi-billion pound football club is the least of his issues, asking people to pile into him isnt a good look David.

Not sure a pile on is necessary and his work for Palestine is a priority, but he certainly should have time for his constituents and an institution like Everton, even if its just to back up Ian Byrne.
Whilst im no fan of the PL - the thought of the Government who knows nothing about the sport "regulating" it isn't something to be excited about.

The Government is even more corrupt than the PL when you consider the Newcastle takeover.

The gov refused to incl. state-ownership as part of the regulations. Why? Because the Tories want to have authority over the biggest sport in the UK. They don't care about, or what's best for football.... it's all part of their culture war. Never ever trust a Tory gov.

