The hole you feel, in my opinion, could serve as a constant reminder of how you experienced something so profound in this crazy world. That's increasingly rare.
@Hogwild my dad essentially went downhill for 20 years with alcoholism. The last 10 years or so was due to a stroke from the ringer he put his body through with the alcohol and prescription drugs. I, too, have many many regrets about not doing more, not visiting more, not calling more, not...
Who cares how long it would last? You keep plugging and get there to find what makes you happy. Some people might never even approach that feeling of nirvana.
New COVID-19 research
Promising article #1:…
Promising article #2...
...can do is learning to accept what you can control versus what you can't control. Fight like hell for what you believe in, but don't take some tw*t manager putting his/her employees in jeopardy as a sign of failure. Report them, if need be.
This is a very unusual and unnerving time. I don't...
If you've got fever, dry cough, body aches - go to the doctor's office. If you just have cough with no fever - just distance yourself for the sake of others as it may not be affecting you but you're carrying it. If you're showing no symptoms, don't worry too much as the only evidence seen is...
Recovery is like climbing out of a hole - depending on your personal situation it could be a deep hole. You're likely to slip, but that isn't the end by any means. Slipping doesn't mean you can't beat it in the long run.
Even if you have shortcomings, that says more about her than it does you. Be a good dad regardless of what she says and what she tries to do to turn your child against you.
Fair enough, so a self imposed kind of fear. As someone who watched his father essentially wilt away from alcoholism, I can tell you the only things you miss out on from heavy alcohol intake are things that you don't want in the first place.
I encounter a lot of the same and it may seem that way but there are plenty of people across the spectrum who don't drink. It may have even been in this thread talking to Frank before, but any person who puts the value of "being fun"/ putting on a certain personality with the alcohol at the risk...
The drugs really do exacerbate problems and in the long run make the original issues even worse because of the stress on your body.
Extending the so called olive branch to people and being more social would help the loneliness. It won't be easy and will likely be awkward as hell at first, but...
I'm glad you are here today WB. Am a big fan of not making permanent decisions based on short-term problems. That's all this is amigo, as deep and unescapeable as it may seem. It will pass. If I had to guess based on things I've read in the past, the drugs and alcohol are at the root of the...