Time of the year when a lot of people struggle. Not a huge fan personally either. Don't be afraid to share here anyone that's struggling or just need to chat.
Airing it here will do no harm.
At least you didn't do anything rash.
The old clichés like times a healer won't help much initially.
But think about the kids and family and they need you
Going through one of my dark old spells . Questioning life decisions and feeling a bit like I've wasted a lot of it .
It usually passes with time but while it's there the world is a place I prefer to shut myself off from.
This time of year can be tough on people so don't forget that . I'm not a lover of it myself been honest.
But don't be afraid to talk or share a problem . Post if needed. It may help you and may help others.
Some great advice here . Wanting to stop for me was the biggest factor.
Ga is brilliant. Going the first time is the hardest thing. But it's what kept me away from a bet anyway.
Just realised that's it's 10 years today since I had a bet ... there was a time 10 hours was a stretch. Life can still be a struggle but stopping gambling was definitely a huge plus
The dark clouds starting to circle again for me. Have posted before on it and while its not as bad as it can be it's still not nice.
A relationship i thought was goin someplace now looks like it won't, a job/role I was interested in isn't happening, January and winter in general never are great...