Postponment of Premier League fixtures due to the death of Her Majesty the Queen.

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I work for a multinational organisation too.

And I watch 4 different news outlets in 4 continents during the day

and I have access to youtube and many many other social media outlets.

But sure Dave, just my inlaws plus the bbc and the ruling elites...
Media outlets naren't the authentic voice of any people. They are corporate or they are dictated to by tin pot dictators.
Could have just done minutes applause. Simple.
It's a sad indictment of our national sport when. People make excuses to not play games, cause some won't respect a moment of mourning.
Really days a lot about our nation.

Other than that
Reckon what has really happened is they expected all other sports to sack off the weekend, and got it wrong.
Spot on. They now look like complete fools.

I definetly think they will. Hope it's not at next weeks game if it goes ahead. I will have to wait until it starts to leave the bar and walk to Goodison.
It'll be disrupted if they do. West Ham's serfs giving it the GSTQ as soon as they get in their section as a wind up will get a reaction.
Media outlets naren't the authentic voice of any people. They are corporate or they are dictated to by tin pot dictators.
so... discount media, discount anyone who gets ex-UK contact as not the rest of the world.

only support Davek's internal opinion.

sums it up.
Your in-laws aren't 'the world'.

Everyone was aware of her but there's no *meaning* to her death for anything other than an infinitesimal part of the world's population.

The BBC and the rest of the ruling elite would like you think so but it isn't true.
This just isn't accurate, Dave. She was a global media icon, who more or less set the standard for how females in the public eye in the Western world were expected to behave in public for a couple of generations.

That's largely gone by the wayside, for better or for worse, but to the last she remained a symbol of a bygone era.

It was made - as we all know - because a lot of people wont observe the minute's silence.

It's utter bollocks to think that any other explanation is feasible given cricket and rugby union go ahead.

To be honest I think there's only one team that wasn't going to observe it.

I'm more arsed that Corry's off.
At least we have tory eggball and cricket to watch.

This just isn't accurate, Dave. She was a global media icon, who more or less set the standard for how females in the public eye in the Western world were expected to behave in public for a couple of generations.

That's largely gone by the wayside, for better or for worse, but to the last she remained a symbol of a bygone era.
lol lol lol lol

....oh FFS, you're being serious aren't you? ?‍♂️

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