2022/23 Frank Lampard

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Thank you for your staunchness Mr Naitch. What do you like on your favourite butty?

Lampard likes roast beef and horseradish fo sho.
Jizz on my 16 world titles, that sounds beautiful.

The Naitch likes Bresaola, gabagool, salami, mortadella, provolone, vinegar peppers, lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise on a semolina sub roll.


And what’s your favourite?
Thought he got it wrong with the sub with rondon coming off for mcneil as the cf. the board really needs to back him with more attacking players

Honestly I think the formation discussion is moot until we actually get consistent and lethal forwards or Midfielders who can provide chances. I know that's why we signed McNeil but still missing the other piece of the puzzle .it doesn't matter how we set up no one is capable of scoring a goal on the regular

We are never winning games with our current starting 11. We need 3-4 new players before the end of the window. Ones that can score and create.

We simply can’t win games with a front line that score less than 10 goals a season. (Not counting DCL as he’s injured)
Signed a centre half who can't play in 4, sacrifices the left back who can't play in a 5.
5 at the back mean we sacrifice a midfielder and we don't have the midfield to be able to control with 2 in there.
Meanwhile he plays a waif of a winger up front
When he does play a striker, he benches the 1 player who crosses to a target man then brings him on and bizarrely takes the target man off.
How has this guy got so much support

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