#27 Years/NSNOW/#AllTogetherNow Fan Campaign

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Been following this today, and my conclusion is we/they dont really know what to protest about.

As in, there isnt a single issue that unites the fans, other than we have been managed, (as in board) poorly. Geordies could point to Ashley not investing, United to the Glazers and debt/dividends, similar to Arsenal. The Chairman splits opinion, and both sides of that have ok opinions.

So is it, "He has done a poor job, listened to the wrong people, perhaps got carried away early days, (Hello Jim), hired some poor managers, and its cost him a packet" ? Or sommet I have missed?

Its very confusing, and very very worrying.
You tell 'em AndyC on Sky Sports ;)
They massively edited what I said !!
I spoke for at least three minutes, maybe longer… included references to ‘Good times’ and ‘revered’ and said the fans live and breathe the club and deserve much, much better than a dysfunctional and not fit for purpose BoD.

I thanked Moshiri for him spending a third world debt but, queried just how much of it was spent anything remotely sensibly.
That Jazz fella struck me as a puppet for the board and if he truly believes that they will listen to a word he says then I think he is deluded.
As you say his place today was to be at Goodison with the fans who were trying to gain publicity for a movement looking for the board to be removed not doing interviews at the Liver Buildings deflecting publicity away from it.
He got to record live to camera to tv.
Those at GP were recorded and massively edited.
Been following this today, and my conclusion is we/they dont really know what to protest about.

As in, there isnt a single issue that unites the fans, other than we have been managed, (as in board) poorly. Geordies could point to Ashley not investing, United to the Glazers and debt/dividends, similar to Arsenal. The Chairman splits opinion, and both sides of that have ok opinions.

So is it, "He has done a poor job, listened to the wrong people, perhaps got carried away early days, (Hello Jim), hired some poor managers, and its cost him a packet" ? Or sommet I have missed?

Its very confusing, and very very worrying.
The fact is that the club has declined hugely and turned into a shambles. The how it happened isn't that important really

There isn't a single issue to unite on. There is a whole host of issues. Isnt that kind of the point?

Been following this today, and my conclusion is we/they dont really know what to protest about.

As in, there isnt a single issue that unites the fans, other than we have been managed, (as in board) poorly. Geordies could point to Ashley not investing, United to the Glazers and debt/dividends, similar to Arsenal. The Chairman splits opinion, and both sides of that have ok opinions.

So is it, "He has done a poor job, listened to the wrong people, perhaps got carried away early days, (Hello Jim), hired some poor managers, and its cost him a packet" ? Or sommet I have missed?

Its very confusing, and very very worrying.

Surrounded himself with people not up to the job, that includes his super agent friends, his inadequate Chairman, inexperienced CEO, when he should have hired professionals. Too many managers in too few years, millions squandered, the only thing he's got right up to now is the ground at Bramley Moore.

The biggest problem I have with this is;

With his 'generic Everton fan number 2627' hat on then he's perfectly in his right to have the opinion of being content with the board.

But he was being interviewed by Myers as and with his 'Jazz Bal Chair of Everton Football Club Fan Advisory Board' hat on.

Therefore he can have no opinion in that capacity, he's there to represent and convey the opinion the FAB which apparently represents the whole Everton fan base. Basically a middleman messager service.
It wasn’t Alan Myers.
The rest of your post stands up ??

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