Our ‘fans’ are a joke

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I think a lot of us are re evaluating and thinking exactly that.

I have invested a huge part of my life in Everton only to have disappointment after disappointment dished out.

The behaviour of some fans in one instance and lots of fans in others is a disgrace on us all.

I honestly don’t know where we are headed as a club. Oblivion may be the best place for us.
I understand and most of us have, but we can’t all be accountable for the actions of a few idiots.

This goes deeper than the club we support. The whole city, and most other big cities, are full of people who think they are solid and do what they want.

Liverpool have the same problem, some of there fans are idiots, but neither should all their fans be tarred with the same brush.
Just despicable conduct from cretinous savages. Ultimately it's a game where a ball is kicked about no one should be subjected to violence. At least they didn't try to fight Digne while holding their kid. I feel these dregs are not reflective of the fan base in general despite the tendency of certain fans to be intensely scrutinizing which is not comparable to violence or hooliganism
I understand and most of us have, but we can’t all be accountable for the actions of a few idiots.

This goes deeper than the club we support. The whole city, and most other big cities, are full of people who think they are solid and do what they want.

Liverpool have the same problem, some of there fans are idiots, but neither should all their fans be tarred with the same brush.
We are all held responsible though and that is the point.
I think a lot of us are re evaluating and thinking exactly that.

I have invested a huge part of my life in Everton only to have disappointment after disappointment dished out.

The behaviour of some fans in one instance and lots of fans in others is a disgrace on us all.

I honestly don’t know where we are headed as a club. Oblivion may be the best place for us.
But football since it’s inception has always had elements of anarchy and unruliness in its support regardless of club.
Despite decades of attempted gentrification of the sport that unruliness remains deep in the DNA of the support.
If you attend matches expecting elements of a debating society or a glee club to be to the fore you will invariably be disappointed.
I fully understand people becoming disillusioned and frustrated with the ownership , players or general direction of the club.
But if it’s because of the supporters then maybe Everton ( or any other football club for that matter), just isn’t for them and probably never was.

Must admit the media are proper sticking the knife in over the bottle incident. Yes it was totally unacceptable but I don’t recall similarly negative coverage when the RS attacked the Man City Team bus for example
And that incident was far worse, there was a game last week (can’t remember which one) where bottles were thrown on the pitch, nothing mentioned about that in the news. We’re a club in the doldrums and everyone wants a pop.

All clubs have idiots . You lot are not an happy bunch at the moment . First game for big duncs second stint and the return of Gerrard and Coutinho so was always potentially going to be hostile. We came we battled and off we went with the 3 points . Scrappy 1.0 in those circumstances is the perfect result. I like Everton and wish you well .
All clubs have idiots . You lot are not an happy bunch at the moment . First game for big duncs second stint and the return of Gerrard and Coutinho so was always potentially going to be hostile. We came we battled and off we went with the 3 points . Scrappy 1.0 in those circumstances is the perfect result. I like Everton and wish you well .
Is right mate. Can you please comment though, from a third party objective point of view, on the things you don’t like about Everton fans and spare no detail please.

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