Everton Summer transfers 2021

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Really don't get why people are especially arsed about the Kean deal with Juve..

The kid wants to go home and we're freeing up finances to move for players who actually want to be here. Don't see the problem - he never exactly set the Premier League alight did he?
Nothing would surprise me with that useless div Brands, so fully expecting him to allow Kean out on loan, no obligation to buy, us paying a huge chunk of his wages.
the one year loan to PSG was actually the best option - he would have had a decent chance of scoring a hatful against rubbish and we could have flogged him for a bit to them next year (maybe)

now we are stuck with no money for 2 years, and they will in no way pay a big fee of 20m if he is a failure (likely) in the last year of a contract.
We did that last year and it clearly didn't work, why would doing the exact same thing bring about a different result?

Loan with an obligation to buy is a good thing for us. It's the "under certain conditions" bit that worries me.
Really don't get why people are especially arsed about the Kean deal with Juve..

The kid wants to go home and we're freeing up finances to move for players who actually want to be here. Don't see the problem - he never exactly set the Premier League alight did he?
maybe its because we are getting responses from the same fake hardmen like @hktoffee who were demanding we never loan him out to anyone and get back our transfer fee + another 20m on top immedietly.
Wages will be off the book and no doubt there’ll be an accounting fix behind it to allow us to ease the FFP wriggle room.

If him leaving means a player who wants to be here and can contribute can join then that is surely a better scenario than keeping an unhappy player.

His wages arent that high though. He was a player we needed to sell for a reasonable fee to allow for summer spending. We may (and possibly will) get 17m quid in 1-2 years time. When you have a 21 year old International, on low wages, to be giving them away on loan and having a (potentially) optional fee at the end is just not good enough mate.

When are we going to start negotiating properly and sticking to our price? Are Porto going to let us take Luis on loan? Or Rangers let us have Patterson on loan? Or Sheffield United with Jebisson. Or are we the only charity now?

We did that last year and it clearly didn't work, why would doing the exact same thing bring about a different result?

Loan with an obligation to buy is a good thing for us. It's the "under certain conditions" bit that worries me.
true i am discounting the 'obligation' to buy bit because there is not a chance in hell if he scores 5/6 per season or hardly plays that Juve will be paying a fee for him with one year left.
We did that last year and it clearly didn't work, why would doing the exact same thing bring about a different result?

Loan with an obligation to buy is a good thing for us. It's the "under certain conditions" bit that worries me.

That's me. I mean we dont know what those circumstances are, but a bare minimum would have been they had to buy him, and it should he for what we paid.
Seems to me that you are so desperate to place blame on benitez for anything you're letting it cloud your judgement.

He wants to see out his contract but he doesn't want to play for us?

When has he been excluded from training? Hes strangely enough been self isolating for a while.

Whats more plausible, benitez has walked in on his first day and gone to our best footballer "james get too feck!" Or ancelotti left and benitez has told him he's got to work hard to get into the starting 11 and he's thrown his toys out of the pram.

The cloumbian press are always having a go about his attitude this is nothing new and he's a national hero over there. The lad doesn't like hard work.

But no its obviously all benitez fault isnt it. James is training in the car park and benitez won't let him in the training ground, hes took his locker off him, hes took his number off him, he won't let him in the senior cantine to be honest I think benitez only took the everton job just to ruin james career and sully his good name.
Ha ha. That's exactly what I've just accused somebody else of.

But on the contrary, whilst I admittedly do hate Benitez and believe he was the last person I wanted to be our manager, (maybe after Steven Gerrard) I have accepted he is our manager and still support the team. I want the team to do well and have made many posts acknowledging his impact on the teams performance and indeed his positive effect on some individual players like Iwobi.

But I still hold him to account, as I would any manager, Carlo included, for things I don't agree with. The clubs treatment of James since he arrived is not good and nearly as bad as we treated Niasse under Koeman. It's probably on a par with how we treated Bolasie. Bolasie was gracious in return but James isn't that type of personality. That doesn't make the clubs actions admirable. Far from it.

Somebody made a decision for James to be removed from the rest of the squad. Do you honestly believe that James has made that decision himself. Do you really think he has actually refused to work with the rest of the squad.? Give your head a wobble if you do.
Not a transfer gamble Brands can be proud of - but if he is sold having lost 5m in transfer value - we have done worse.

That's the point though isnt it? He was meant to be one we did better on as he was young and improving. I have no idea how the club and Brands think we are going to turn a profit.

That's me. I mean we dont know what those circumstances are, but a bare minimum would have been they had to buy him, and it should he for what we paid.
The fee is underwhelming at best isn't it. I can only assume that the conditions are really easy to meet, i.e he plays 10 games and they finish in the top 4. My faith in Brands is at an all time low though it has to be said. His record selling players is poor.
Ha ha. That's exactly what I've just accused somebody else of.

But on the contrary, whilst I admittedly do hate Benitez and believe he was the last person I wanted to be our manager, (maybe after Steven Gerrard) I have accepted he is our manager and still support the team. I want the team to do well and have made many posts acknowledging his impact on the teams performance and indeed his positive effect on some individual players like Iwobi.

But I still hold him to account, as I would any manager, Carlo included, for things I don't agree with. The clubs treatment of James since he arrived is not good and nearly as bad as we treated Niasse under Koeman. It's probably on a par with how we treated Bolasie. Bolasie was gracious in return but James isn't that type of personality. That doesn't make the clubs actions admirable. Far from it.

Somebody made a decision for James to be removed from the rest of the squad. Do you honestly believe that James has made that decision himself. Do you really think he has actually refused to work with the rest of the squad.? Give your head a wobble if you do.
Accepted Benitez now but agree he did seem to come in and go for James - sometimes people do that to show authority. I also just think Benitez came in and tried to start addressing FFP straight away - James being an obvious sellable asset.

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