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City have beaten UEFA so they will make a new model based on invitation only European league, it's not fit for purpose.
It wasn't UEFA that City beat. It was a cartel of G14 clubs who were behind ffp in the first place. We are no threat to UEFA, but we are a thread to the business model of Utd, Liverpool, Arsenal etc. Clubs whose owners invest little into the game and take out as much as they can.
Cant see them doing anything drastically different as they want to keep their darling elite clubs still at the top.

You can guarantee though if it was drastically different Usmanov would end up officially at the club instead of needing to hide in the shadows with his dodgy sponsership deals.

Not surprising as City drove over it with a reputed £50M worth of lawyers...and Covid is backing up over it a few times to make sure.

Replace it with exactly what and who will benefit the most?
That's the key, but as mentioned just above. The game is (ridiculously) desperate for more cash.

If it's a set of guidelines rather than hard and fast rules, It would be a disaster for the likes of FSG/Kronke.
Well I suppose this will tell us if Usmanov really is behind it all or not. There'll be no excuses now, if our spending doesn't increase significantly then I think we can put the rumours of him being the puppet master to bed. I'm not saying we don't spend enough before anyone starts, but it's always been said that we couldn't do certain things because of FFP and Usmanov was cunningly trying to get round it. If that barrier is gone then surely all the people who thought he was going to give us £400m for naming rights now believe that £400m can just be ploughed straight into the team. I really hope they were right.

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