Carlo Ancelotti

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You reckon we’re going to spend PSG levels?

He was sacked after little over 18 months, it was hardly a complete re-build. It’s not going to take him 18 months to build a title winning side here.

He’s a great manager, that’s not being disputed. One of the very best of all time. Totally and utterly undeniable to suggest otherwise. He has worked with some of the very best players during his time and many have great things to say but there are also those who said not so great things about him.

Would Ancelotti spend money here ? Yes. Would Ancelotti be given the green light to get the players he wants ? Yes.

Hardly a complete re-build ?.... I've already pointed out PSG hadn't won nothing for the best part of 15 years, their squad was slightly above average at best. Ancelotti came in, bought 6/7 superb players and were champions. I would say that's a complete re-build regardless of his sacking. PSG have gone on and won multiple titles since that re-build Ancelotti did. They've only built on it.

Would he win a pot here ? who knows, but what i do know is that our chances of silverware would greatly improve with him at our club.

and you're last point..... Alex Ferguson who for me is the greatest manager of all time also had more than a few players comment harsh things about him too. I have to say mate, i am at a loss to how you can wax lyrical about Manuel Pellegrini and would welcome him at Everton, but have concerns regarding one of the greatest managers of all time in Carlo Ancelotti.
Firstly, let’s not be silly. If / when it happens, i’ll be delighted.

Secondly, he’s absolutely the best manager we could get. My reservation, as many others have said, is whether or not he’s the best qualified for this.

Horses for courses. Different managers suit different tasks and Ancelotti has been exceptionally successful working with the best players, transitioning well established clubs into successful teams over a short period of time circa 18-24 months.

He does not have ANY experience of taking over a club in the bottom half, with no recent history of success, with no recent history of consistent European Football and, over a 4-5 year period, moving that club up the league and competing for major honours.

That’s not to say he cannot do that here.

In fact, I agree with you that, in that respect it’s a great opportunity for him as it’s something he has never done before. But if we acknowledge that he’s never done that before then that, in itself, is a reservation.

Amidst the totally understandable avalanche of excitement and positivity over this appoitment, I don’t think it’s negative or trolling to talk about that.

Check his bio, most notably what he did at Reggiana and when he took over an AC Milan side that needed a huge rebuild.

Gab Marcotti was asked on ESPN FC. today whether this would happen. He said it's not a done deal but that - and this is my point - that Usmanov and
Moshiri have brokered the deal and that it might appeal to Ancelotti. He went on to say why it would appeal to him. I don't know when the show went to
air, but I heard it ten minutes ago.


It's gonna hurt and suck just as much as with Koeman when he eventually loses the dressing room. But what do i know

Koeman didn’t lose the dressing room, the club lost Koeman.

We were doing fine , and then the hysterical booing and hissing started at the slightest hint of a drop in form and he looked like he was going to laugh his head off on the touchline.

That’s the worry with Ancelotti, he’s won the lot. If and when the hysteria starts when have a dip in form , how will he react? The worry is , him and his team will switch off the club totally. Exactly like Koeman did
I have to say mate, i am at a loss to how you can wax lyrical about Manuel Pellegrini and would welcome him at Everton, but have concerns regarding one of the greatest managers of all time in Carlo Ancelotti.

Because Manuel Pellegrini has taken Malaga and Villareal from nothing into the upper echelons of the league and into Europe. He’s done a similar job to the one we require more than once before and he’s also won league titles and managed top clubs too.

Now, don’t get this twisted and say that I’ve said Pellegrini is a better manager than Ancelotti. Horses for courses.

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