Duncan Ferguson - The Coach

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Intensity. You dont think playng to feet can be delivered with intensity?

Everton fans have been conned for years to believe that a physical approach and a long ball to contest = intensity. It doesn't. It's just a tactic adopted by rubbish managers and tolerated by fans who are too frightened to take chances in building up play.

Utter tripe.

You seen the first goal? The back heel for the 3rd?
Intensity. You dont think playng to feet can be delivered with intensity?

Everton fans have been conned for years to believe that a physical approach and a long ball to contest = intensity. It doesn't. It's just a tactic adopted by rubbish managers and tolerated by fans who are too frightened to take chances in building up play.

Think you are rushing through posts with reading them properly to reply asap. ;).

Both my posts said better football will come but it needs confidence. Of course ball to feet can be played with intensity and let me tell u no one is conning me that we have the players to currently do that. We haven't. Man city. Liverpool do. So until we get those caliber of players we should adjust to a mix of being more direct. Esp at goodison where the atmosphere is of such importance to results.

Intensity. You dont think playng to feet can be delivered with intensity?

Everton fans have been conned for years to believe that a physical approach and a long ball to contest = intensity. It doesn't. It's just a tactic adopted by rubbish managers and tolerated by fans who are too frightened to take chances in building up play.
Do you know Liverpool play direct quite a bit look where they are
Exactly. What we saw today is basically what you would get out of Moyes. And no one wants him. So why the sudden adulation over Drunken Duncan?
im proud to be an evertonian but every game that went by under silva my pride was diminishing every time we played so for me I wanted to see a bit of pride in playing for Everton.wannot just turning up going through the motions and getting beat playing the same system week in week out under a manger who was so stubborn he wouldn't change it or he was that clueless he didn't know how. team mirrored our manager today and previous silva stood arms folded looked lost. the team played pedestrain and no idea what to do going forward same week in week out. Duncan passionate cared and motivated the team. we played like we wanted to today and fought for the team and and had a bit of pride
Utter tripe.

You seen the first goal? The back heel for the 3rd?

Not to mention have you seen the list of our legendary no. 9s, all physical guys who loved to get their head in where it hurts. We aren’t a good enough team to be playing this tippy tappy football. Give me long balls and physical play as long as we get the 3pts

Suppose the thing now is to make sure we can distil and use the passion and fight we showed today under the big man. He wasn’t just a bit part player in that - he did a lot to make it happen. I wasn’t in the training camp or dressing room, but that team came out fired up, and my suspicion is that it was off the back of his influence. So we need to get some of that from our new manager. I’d suggest investing in a crate of sweatbands and getting the entire squad inked up with Everton tattoos as a starting point...

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