Sissoko Goodison Bound?

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Player Valuation: £30m
it's either us or Inter Milan according to the Daily mail. after showdown talks with Rafael....

what do you reckon? I think he could do a job for us even though he's from the dark side.
bit like fernandes, did the dirty at the last moment so i say, bollocks to him.

he can rot where he is or in italy, he simply isnt good enough.
he's that [Poor language removed],he's a poor mans carsley!! why would we spend anything on this usless w@nker. did'nt he sign for the rats after agreeing to play for us?? and thank god. he can't pass,shoot hold the ball,anything. what a pile of shiit hope we go no were near!!

Hes bloody awful. I've always said it.

It worried me Moyes wanted to pay 5m for him when we was even more cash strapped than now!

He literally offers nothing.

Tobias Linderoth x2.
Well, last season many RS pundits were saying he was vital to there charge, then he got injured and Liverpool suffered.

I don't think he is [Poor language removed], I think he is out of sorts, but then most players are under Onion head.

But because he went there and showed us no respect, I doubt he will come here. Moyes wouldn't put him through it.
I was gutted when we lost out on him, but then after seeing him play for the rs I could never have been so relieved. He's clumsy, doesnt read the game well, doesnt pass well, isnt particularly skillfull and just overall very average in the premiership.

Besides, any player that betrays us like that before can go [Poor language removed] themselves.

Hold the phone folks !!!

With as many people who said "no way" to Manny potentially coming back, I can't imagine anyone who'd want this guy here, regardless of how well he might do for us.

He basically pulled the same thing Manny did.

In addition, he wouldn't help us anyway. There are only two players I'd want from the rs anyway and that would be Torres & Finnan. Not one of the rest would improve our current squad, Sissoko included.
Basically yes, but he didn't go to Liverpool, he had the respect to sign for a team outside of our country. Sissoko went to Liverpool.
But Sissoko is just the type of player Moyes wants. A strong defensive midfield player. It sounds like newspaper tripe to me, but he is a player who plays in a position that is our number one priority to reinforce in the squad.

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