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It is at least intriguing that he mentioned helping Moshri on Bloomberg. That is Bloomberg not the the local Herald.

Help could mean a number of things but since he has effectively sponsored FF and just sold his Arsenal shares surely it is reasonable to speculate that this may be good news for the Blues.

Obviously he may go to Italy but I bet he would like to stick it to Kroenke !!
It's all chit chat but since day one Usmanov has been very much involved. It's no coincidence all this is happening, 400m on players and a new stadium on the horizon. Moshiri is rich but he doesn't invest half his wealth in Everton without Usmanov also being involved.

Think he has been here involved since day 1

the fella who was on TEF and genuinely In The Know, said, albiet at a slightly earlier date, that Usmanov would , and I quote, 'be joining up with Moshiri one million percent'

it may be late, but its defo happening

Usmanov spent years trying to gain control of Arsenal. It began to look as if it might never happen. He remained intent on doing so BUT he was wise enough to have a plan B (cue Moshiri's move to Everton)
Eventually it became clear that Kronke wasn't moving. Usmanov has had to accept the fact that he has finally lost the battle for Arsenal, that will have hurt, but I guarantee that he will be intent on winning the war with Kronke.
I believe that he WILL invest heavily in Everton.
Fast forward to 2022 when Everton beat Arsenal in the Champions league Final.
Camera pans to Usmanov and Moshiri who are sat in the Directors box wearing smug, self satisfied smiles whilst extending their middle fingers in the direction of Kronke.
He's just chatting nonsense to keep himself looking relevant.
that sounds so much like you talking about yourself :cool:

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