Sam Allardyce

So, what next?

  • IN. Give him a chance and see what he can do?

    Votes: 79 8.3%
  • OUT. Thanks but no thanks. See Ya?

    Votes: 758 79.3%
  • As ever. Cheese on Toast

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • Er, I am a bit scared of us Evertoning this right up.

    Votes: 94 9.8%

  • Total voters
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But who's to say he'd need to?

I think some people need to stand back here and take a big swig of coffee. Do they realy think that we sack managers for not being in the European spots?

Moshiri may have flirted with that position but he's been playing us all. Top half is good enough for him and his connections. The name of the game is to stay safely in this division and get someone to pay for a stadium.
If BS is here for another season, then sadly, this has to be the only reason.
Billionaires get rich by stacking the odds of success in their favor, by working with known, predictable entities and spending as little of their own personal stash as possible.
Mediocrity is the perfect risk free environment in which to steadily grow such wealth. Unless you are an oligarchy seeking to quickly launder money, (you know who you are!).
Sam was never giong to be gone in the summer, unless we finsished 4/5th from bottom. Rich businessman dont sack people who when asked to do a job get it done, which in Moshiris eyes is exactly what Sam has done.

If you had a leaky tap and the plumber fixed it you wouldn't pay him to come back the next day to build your extension just cos he did his job would you?

Allardyce was brought to keep us up. He's done that... in doing that he's also clearly demonstrated that

1. He enjoys take the proverbial out of the fans

2. He is an extraordinarily negative tactician.

3. He has no interest in developing our young players.
Sadly that's not gonna happen as you saw on monday night against newcastle,i think the whole Stadium falls into a coma watching that [Poor language removed].
I suspect you're right mate.

What do you think will happen when the manager & players do the customary lap of appreciation.?

No but Everything he says about Everton annoys the hell out of me
You are so rightly named.....(having said that I wanted a similar user name but the grumpy ones were all taken) lollollol Not heard the podcasts as I usually ignore anything that rag puts out but I may give them a listen now..
I suspect you're right mate.

What do you think will happen when the manager & players do the customary lap of appreciation.?

Enough happy clappers will probably register as...
Given his football, tactics and most importantly his words he's not shown any interest in going to the next level though has he? I mean saying he regards his job (finishing 15 points lower than last season having spent 50 million) as 11 out of 10 tells you everything you need to know about what his aspirations are.

As do his comments we are 200 million away from being 6th. (So that would be 400 million for him to move us from 7th to 6th). Some miracle worker him.
I suppose he has not been kept on long enough anywhere to see if he has another level to get on to. Now, why would that be?

If He was staying, he would of been all " Farhad And i talked about this " and " Farhad and I have made plans for this " He can't help biging Himself up. But he was very understated which IMPO makes me think Hes gone at the end of season.

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