Sam Allardyce

So, what next?

  • IN. Give him a chance and see what he can do?

    Votes: 79 8.3%
  • OUT. Thanks but no thanks. See Ya?

    Votes: 758 79.3%
  • As ever. Cheese on Toast

    Votes: 25 2.6%
  • Er, I am a bit scared of us Evertoning this right up.

    Votes: 94 9.8%

  • Total voters
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Me too mate - he's virtually got CONSTRUCTIVE DISMISSAL written out on a big piece of paper here. He's made up about that survey, gold-plates his payoff.

Oh, and bear in mind the Press Officer didn't say 'before we put the cameras on, no questions about the survey'. Allardyce had to say it.

What does it say about Allardyce, by the way, that he has been saying for weeks 'it's a vocal minority that don't like me' and then losing his rag about the question being asked to all fans?

He's not even angry about the results being published. He's angry about the question being asked.

Well played by all sides here.

Hope he gets fined for his use of [Poor language removed] and all.
He will soon be gone lads. His reaction to the survey confirms that. No very high paid Manager should need an apology and be annoyed at loyal paying supporting customers simply being asked how they feel about said Managers performance. The only reason why anyone wouldn't like it is if they know it will go against them as they have done crap and will hurt their over inflated ego. His pops at the club for doing it and for what they were like before he got there only bring his demise closer. I will be surprised if he is still here soon after the Newcastle game.

Nobody was bothered about the Survey last year as all was well. Different story this year and it is a great thing that the paying supporters are able to publicly voice their important opinions about their club.

Allardyce isn't going to know what hit him on Monday night the way its going. :D

I think we should email our thanks to the Director of Marketing and Communications Richard Kenyon for giving supporters the opportunity express their true feelings on the Club and it's Manager.

A nice show of support to let him know we support him throwing Allardyce under the bus.

It should be

Email sent.

Dear Richard,
As a lifelong Season Ticket Holder I wish to applaud your decision to word the survey as you did.
I do not believe you have a poor understanding of football and I feel as tho you perfectly understand the feelings of the fanbase, who are all united in wanting the fat gravy guzzling bellend removed from our club as a matter of urgency, can you pass a message on to Bill Kenwright, tell him he does not speak for me or the entire fanbase and can he kindly remove himself from the club as quickly as Sam.
Yours forever
The Goat
Give it to them Sam, both barrels. I still reckon Moshiri will find a way to ease him out and leave him with some dignity. I gather the marketing idiot is likely to be sacked for that survey. It made the club look even more badly run than we know it is.
Email sent.

Dear Richard,
As a lifelong Season Ticket Holder I wish to applaud your decision to word the survey as you did.
I do not believe you have a poor understanding of football and I feel as tho you perfectly understand the feelings of the fanbase, who are all united in wanting the fat gravy guzzling bellend removed from our club as a matter of urgency, can you pass a message on to Bill Kenwright, tell him he does not speak for me or the entire fanbase and can he kindly remove himself from the club as quickly as Sam.
Yours forever
The Goat
Here's mine. It went through to Richard Kenyon.

Difficult just to turn on though.

High pressing is great, when it works, but it can also leave you exposed when the opposition find the outball and leave 6 of your players wrong half of the pitch scatching their arse. You end up getting walloped.

It takes months to work on, because you can't all just press the entire match, it is impossible, you need triggers, because you need to be pressing at the same time, no good if two of your players are high pressing and the others haven't gone leaving an easy pass for the opposition, all you end up doing is wasting your energy. Takes time to finesse. You can't just do in two weeks.

Allardyce will improve next season, given the chance, but if you are hell bent on getting rid of him, and want someone a bit more progressive I would go for Eddie Howe, who can play the pressing game, plays attractive football, is working miracles at Bounemouth, has PL experience, can adapt when things are going south (as it looked like they might be for a few months this year), still only 40, and is the best young English talent about by far.

If he was called Eduardo Howesinho, you'd all be demanding Everton get him, before someone else does! I would get him!

Very true that pressing game cant be done for full match and takes time to bring in. Fitness should not be an issue. They are pros But show some basic idea of intensity. It will get the fans onside. Failure to do so will be like sacking yourself. I wasnt against bringing in sam in november
. We were in a bad state. Its fine now to look back and say we would never have gone down but we were a club on the line and we could have collapsed.

But now we are safe. Shackles need to come off at goodisin esp. Say we have newcastle mon night. Hard tackles. Press for sections of the game. Work rate.A high intensity will get the goodison crowd behind you. 3 points in the bag.

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