2017/18 Oumar Niasse

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The Lucky man, plays with his heart, not the best technically but sometimes running that extra mile while bear results, he must be a pain in the arse for defenders, just when you think you can take a second hes running around after you.

Was very proud he didn't stop chasing them down yesterday even in the 100th minute.

Reality is he could walk into a pub full of blues and not have to buy a drink all night...

If lukaku walked into the same pub he wouldn’t get a crisp off anyone.

Both players different ends of abilty scale but also different ends of attitude scale.

I think being a muslim might also keep his bar tab down
If I put 10% of his attitude in to my missus,i'd be a sex God.Sadly, I CBA lol

Keep chasing them lost balls, mate
I think the biggest difference between now and his first year here is that he strengthened up. He still has his occasional moments of clumsiness, but he doesn't get bullied like he did before. If DCL can do the same, he can have the turnaround that Oumar has had.

I dont care if he plays like a bumbling, imbalanced, 2 footed clown. I love him. We need a bit of old fashioned character in modern football, and effort, attitude commitment, plus that dark side off the pitch thing which we pretend never happened - all good ! Statue next year in Stanley Park!

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