2017/18 Ross Barkley

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Fine, but sigurdson is not The replacement we need. We would be downgrading I think.

I respectfully disagree.



He doesn't even have to live in Merseyside,barmby lived in the isle of man when he joined the [Poor language removed] and flew in every day,he's in for a shock if he moves to London, the lads down there despise nothing more than a big shot scouser rolling into town!
There's nothing to replace.

Sigurdsson will play higher up the pitch, score more goals, and our team will be much better off.

I hope you're right pal.

It's a shame Barkleys head doesn't appear to be in the right place. Bc numbers-wise he was quite productive (again, I didn't see it myself, but his chances created was supposedly very high).

I hope you're right pal.

It's a shame Barkleys head doesn't appear to be in the right place. Bc numbers-wise he was quite productive (again, I didn't see it myself, but his chances created was supposedly very high).
It was, but Barkley held the ball constantly. Sigurdsson had the ball half as much and almost as many chances.
He doesn't even have to live in Merseyside,barmby lived in the isle of man when he joined the [Poor language removed] and flew in every day,he's in for a shock if he moves to London, the lads down there despise nothing more than a big shot scouser rolling into town!
Interesting point this, who was the last scouser to play for a team in the capital ? Jeffers I reckon and he didn't do much once he got down to the old smoke
Cant see it Adam. Based on the jungle drums suggesting he wont sign cos he wants/needs/been told, to leave Liverpool.

But that might be eye wash, and all along, his agent has just had a nightmare.

See I was thinking about this last night and it doesn't make sense. I mean, he could leave Liverpool (go and move to Cheshire or Manchester) and still play for Everton, couldn't he? I mean, other lads play for Everton but don't live in the city. I think he probably does want a new challenge, which is fair enough. I don't like it but it's his career.

I think for Ross Koeman presented the first real challenge in his career.He wasn't dealing with nice and friendly Mr Martinez and his endless positivity anymore.Koeman in contrast is quite a cold and clinical man who isn't really in the business of blowing steam up peoples backsides.Koemans attitude to Ross was to earn your stripes and prove yourself.There's no friendly pat in the backs of me.So that was the challenge for Ross.Earning Koemans respect, establish himself in the Everton team and be a real driving force for us.I think Koeman was hoping that some tough love would bring out the best in Ross.

As we have seen with his refusal to sign the contract and his desire to leave, Ross decided to run away from the first major challenge in his career instead of embracing it.He does not seem to have the bottle to prove Koeman wrong and establish himself in the Everton team.The first time he is presented with a challenge in his footballing career and his responce is to run hide and escape from the challenge.Say's a lot about his mentality really.Koeman wanted to test Ross Barkleys character and he failed dismally.If Ross had any bottle he would sign that contract and go and prove Koeman wrong.But he didn't he decided to run away.He has seemingly decided to run away from the challenge and run away from the opportunity of being an Everton legend.It's still not too late to change your mind Ross.Don't throw the opportunity of being an Everton legend away.

Good post,but I'd perhaps go further,and regular readers will know that I'm not a big fan of Barkley. I think Barkleys first real challenge was his serious injury at the start of his career, and this, along with his problems outside the club, and Koemans tough,realistic approach to management,has made any potential improvement in his level of consistent performance almost impossible to achieve, because he does not have the mental strength that all successful footballers/sportsmen have at the top level. Add this to terrible advice from his so called agent, and he's left in no mans land. I honestly think his career is already going downhill. He should rightly shoulder most of the blame for his situation, but I honestly feel that there has been little that he could do about it...he is being badly advised, and needs serious help, by the right people. Funnily enough, the 'old Everton' run by the sentimentalist BK would be more sympathetic towards Barkley, but times have changed, and the new Everton is 'strictly business'.
See I was thinking about this last night and it doesn't make sense. I mean, he could leave Liverpool (go and move to Cheshire or Manchester) and still play for Everton, couldn't he? I mean, other lads play for Everton but don't live in the city. I think he probably does want a new challenge, which is fair enough. I don't like it but it's his career.

The whole saga makes no sense mate, in that what ever theory is advanced, there is evidence to dismantle it. Like ^^^^^ did.

Hates Koeman? Koeman played him most of the season.
Wants CL? With who, and on what wages?
Wants a new challenge? Er, look around FF Ross.
Wants more cash? Decent offer was made, apparently.


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