Homepage Update: Mayor's Bramley Moore Dock Open Letter To Evertonians

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Surely even you know this is a weak attempt at trolling, nobody pays for stadiums out of their own pocket.
That's not the point being made. My point is that the owner will have no motivation to get done what we want to get done. He's here to get a dockside stadium and to increase his shares and get out.

He couldn't give a flying one about design for atmosphere.
You cant answer my question.

Why does a more costly stadium ensure that the owners of the club will be more concerned with making sure this is atmospherically right?

That's rich coming from you dave, you avoid questions than our PM.

Anyway, what are you going on about with cheapness and atmosphere. I was saying that the cost will come into it with regards to moshiri selling up. He could have went for the cheaper option with less hassle and would have still made a massive return on his initial outlay.

Any chance of these examples now???
Cheaper doesn't come into it when the major shareholder is not paying any of it and will have scarpered in a decade or so and left the club to continue to pay off the leveraged cash made on his watch.

What does it matter to Moshiri if the club are paying off over 40 years £400M rather than £280M? He still gets his sale and frigs off regardless.
It's all out of our hands Dave ( like anything bar buying a ticket etc was ever in) we've pushed off this ski jump slope and while it'll will take a bit before we hit full speed and fly off the end into the wild blue yonder...all we can hope for is a safe landing and one of those flash turn / stops that spray the snow on the spectators, while we look up at the score board in a nonchalant manner.

snow job? or snow problem...come back in 2022.

That's rich coming from you dave, you avoid questions than our PM.

Anyway, what are you going on about with cheapness and atmosphere. I was saying that the cost will come into it with regards to moshiri selling up. He could have went for the cheaper option with less hassle and would have still made a massive return on his initial outlay.

Any chance of these examples now???
There is no cost to him. WTF does he care? Of course he wants the dearer option down at the docks. It increases his share sales when he decides to sell up.

You're just not getting this either wilfully or through not being able to comprehend...and I doubt it's the latter.
Lol, because I'm sure roman knew who Chelsea where or the city owners. You're argument is awful, "the cold faced accountant"; you don't even know who he his, you're literally typing garbage.

And newsflash. BMD is a better location for us, but it's not for your point. A future investor, considering you're implying that bill and moshiri are swilling up for profit, won't be care where the stadium is, only what the figures say. And a club with a lower outlay (i.e building costs) versus an increase in revenue has a better chance of making an investor more money.

Business, innit
Okay mate, Crockie it is
It's all out of our hands Dave ( like anything bar buying a ticket etc was ever in) we've pushed off this ski jump slope and while it'll will take a bit before we hit full speed and fly off the end into the wild blue yonder...all we can hope for is a safe landing and one of those flash turn / stops that spray the snow on the spectators, while we look up at the score board in a nonchalant manner.

snow job? or snow problem...come back in 2022.
There's a serf like mentality about that you cant ask questions of the boss man. How on earth is that view still out there with three bollocksed up stadium schemes behind us?

It beggars belief.
That's not the point being made. My point is that the owner will have no motivation to get done what we want to get done. He's here to get a dockside stadium and to increase his shares and get out.

He couldn't give a flying one about design for atmosphere.

Surely atmosphere helps fill a stadium. Driving up match day revenue for the business. Purely from a business point of view, the more successful & full the stadium, the healthier the business. The more he can earn from any sale.

Will it be his driving feature? Probably not, but it'll certainly be a consideration.
I think some concern over the proposed removeable athletics tracks is understandable and rational given the factual dimensions required. I think to conclude either way, happy or angry, before we see detailed designs, is impossible no matter the reassurances or criticisms being variously voiced.

If the track is incorporated with an oval design and large gaps around the pitch we'd be unhappy. If it is achieved with retractable stands/removeable seating we could actually get something special.

Until we see the proposed design we're just speculating and in some cases revealing our own pro/anti ownership bias.

Surely atmosphere helps fill a stadium. Driving up match day revenue for the business. Purely from a business point of view, the more successful & full the stadium, the healthier the business. The more he can earn from any sale.

Will it be his driving feature? Probably not, but it'll certainly be a consideration.
It'll come way down the list.
The London Stadium was NOT purpose built for Togger.

BMD will be.

A stadium that's purpose built for football and includes a running track, even if only temporarily, is an oxymoron.

Thinking the stadium is not going to be compromised in some way by having to include the track is crazy.
It'll come way down the list.

I dont believe thats the case, only time will determine whether this was spin, the truth or something inbetween.

True, but I can't think of one football stadium that had to include a running track at some point that didn't have it's atmosphere compromised to some extent.

Not saying it'd be as bad as West Ham but the best case scenario would be something like the Etihad. But the design of that stadium isn't ideal.

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