New Everton Stadium Discussion

...we are on our way to the first fence of the Grand National.

Cool your heels and stop getting people ahead of themselves.

That's not bad, that's quite a way down the line. 126 entries last year but only 40 made it to the start line!! there will be obstacles still to overcome but getting into the race is often the hardest part.
We're not buying the land though - this is a promise to buy it when we're ready to build a stadium on it.

Which means... absolutely nothing, unless I'm missing something. It's barely news.

I think it's a bit more than what has been released. The agreement to purchase the land was done months ago, it was on the proviso that funding could be agreed which that now as.

So the initial purchase agreement can be released, otherwise if the funding could not be secured we'd have another KD on our hands.
Well firstly, it stops anyone else building on it. Secondly, it means Everton are now set on it as their chosen site, eliminating the persistent SC link. Finally, there's no way we would make this public without a strong assurance that things will be fine on the funding and planning front.

So it's certainly news.

1. For a period of time, sure. But it'll be a set amount of time with Peel receiving compensation if we don't finalise the thing by the end of it, so it's largely meaningless other than in terms of risk-free intent.

2. It doesn't eliminate SC - it just makes it less likely. As said in point 1, we could just let the exclusivity period lapse and go elsewhere.

3. The fact this is public confuses me the most. These things should be covered all over the shop by NDAs. There's no benefit to Everton announcing half-arsed measures - what does it change?

In fact, I'll change what I said - it's news, but only news in that it is so strangely lacking.
Just imagine, usmanov could built this whole project, stadium included, and still be a multi billionaire.

Its on lads. #ImITK

I think it's a bit more than what has been released. The agreement to purchase the land was done months ago, it was on the proviso that funding could be agreed which that now as.

So the initial purchase agreement can be released, otherwise if the funding could not be secured we'd have another KD on our hands.

This is the hope - hence why I'm saying "unless I'm missing something" alot!
Well firstly, it stops anyone else building on it. Secondly, it means Everton are now set on it as their chosen site, eliminating the persistent SC link. Finally, there's no way we would make this public without a strong assurance that things will be fine on the funding and planning front.

So it's certainly news.

This is Everton, everything was in place for the Kings Dock and money was ringfenced.

Until it's fully built I'll have my doubts.

Expect the worst and you won't be disappointed.
So now we're doing fake ground move bids? Come on people! We woudnt buy the land to grow dandilions ffs!

I have no doubt we will build it there, i just wish we were further along than just a statement to say we have contract to buy the land subject to PP and funding.

Actually if they took out the last part i would be happy enough, just makes it sound we are scrabbling around trying to raid the piggy bank. I wanted a statement saying 'we've bought the land subject to PP and we are building a world class stadium there shortly, we have all the money in the world so shove that up your jumpers' ;)
Have we got all the news we´re likely to get today, and what was it exactly? That we´ll be able to buy the land if we get th money together? That´s hardly surpising. I could buy Trump Tower if I got the money together.
It's not looking for negatives; it's just confusion.

It's akin to this

ME: Hi mate, can I buy that PS4?
YOU: Yeah, £100 alright?
ME: Sound, can I buy it once I've bought the games for it?
YOU: Yeah I'll wait here.
ME: Nice one, back in a few years.

... that just doesn't seem like news to me!

For me, I'd have kept this quiet (easily done via NDA's by all parties) and announced when stadium funds are in place the whole thing.

Maybe that'll still happen today, but if not it's just underwhelming because nothing has actually happened of substance.
ME: Hi, really like that wardrobe you've put on gumtree, can you please hold it for me until I can check it'll fit in my room?

Wait til 5pm before fuming the Mayor most likely will announce that they will act as guarantor for the money for the stadium in which we will purchase the land in the coming weeks and apply for planning permission.

Stop wetting the bed the media/club can't announce/purchase the land until they know how we are financing it.
It's not a bleepin' playstation 4 is it though? Politics and city planning is a right old cumbersome beast, news like this is mint but surely nowhere near the finish line. Millions of things can still go wrong, but still, well in and well worth celebrating so far like. Even though the cost of the lot is just downright extortionate.

This is my point - so why do it? I can't see the reason.

There's confidence and then there's stupidity - I honestly can't tell what one this is.

Don't get me wrong, I'm delighted that it is all pointing towards BMD rather than a disaster like SC, but I thought an announcement on it would be much more total than what it looks like we're getting.
People forgetting about the official announcement at 5 then? Sound
Why would anyone do an announcement at 5pm?
Makes not sense at all........think that's a bit of a red herring.
I think we've had what we're getting for today.
A little underwhelming but positive
