How did you become an Evertonian?

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Player Valuation: £30m
This thread has been done of course but so what.

How did ye? Were ye born into it through family or did Everton find you later? Tell us.
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This thread has been done of course but so what.

How did ye? Were ye born into it through family or did Everton find you later? Tell us.

how did you, Jay?

few months after moving to dear ol' blighty i watched the '89 Cup Final with me red-supporting Nana and told her shortly after kick-off that I'm gonna support the blue team...just like that...after a furious "YOU WHAT??" she relented and, even in defeat, it stuck...joined the fan club for the following season and gobbled up as much history as my little brain could handle x
Changed from red to blue in 1981 after vanadium scored in cup game
Don't care what u all say I was only 10 didn't know any better
Have since brought 4 kids up as blues totally against the devils club
The team from my formative years :

how did you, Jay?

few months after moving to dear ol' blighty i watched the '89 Cup Final with me red-supporting Nana and told her shortly after kick-off that I'm gonna support the blue team...just like that...after a furious "YOU WHAT??" she relented and, even in defeat, it stuck...joined the fan club for the following season and gobbled up as much history as my little brain could handle x

I was 7 in a Dublin pub my granny whom I call 'ma' due to crazy home circumstances and her fella Geoff. It was 1995 in the mulingar house the hole place was full of Man United fans. It was the FA Cup final. I remember them cursing, being intimidating and obnoxious. Something about that blues team them all and piping them down made me be an Evertonian. And that was before I was even into football at any level. But it was my 'mas' fella Geoff who start teaching me about Everton that day and guided my toffee nose. He brang me to my first game in 99 derby county , Jeffers scored, Abel Xavier told me to 'get the [Poor language removed] off his car'. Mentally scared me till he moved to Liverpool and everything made sense.
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