How hardcore is your bird?

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Mine keeps track of the scores and the latest news, mainly so she knows what mood I'm in.

Better than nothing I suppose.
Ah man, my bird, my bit o skirt, the missus, right, she don't get it, yeah? She sees me cheering and she's just like, 'Oi, oi, what's all this about?' and I say, 'Bloody hell, woman, it's the offside rule!' But she don't get it, cos she's a bird right. So, I make it clear to her she's less important than Lukaku, right? And, bloody woman, just leaves me. Alone. And I can't cope with the crushing loneliness anymore. But season starts next week, so that's something, right?
Ah man, my bird, my bit o skirt, the missus, right, she don't get it, yeah? She sees me cheering and she's just like, 'Oi, oi, what's all this about?' and I say, 'Bloody hell, woman, it's the offside rule!' But she don't get it, cos she's a bird right. So, I make it clear to her she's less important than Lukaku, right? And, bloody woman, just leaves me. Alone. And I can't cope with the crushing loneliness anymore. But season starts next week, so that's something, right?
Good. I hope you told her that supporting anyone else was grounds for divorce.

What's her thoughts on Brendan Rodgers?

Of course. Her dad's a blue though aswell so I never had much persuading to do. We actually walked past Brendan in town a few months ago and to be honest I had to restrain her from telling him his son's a nonce. Incredibly passionate when it comes to her hatred of RS.

My Aussie wife isn't interested in football, or any sport, for that matter. She's seen Everton a few times when we're in the UK, but
I think it's like when I go shopping with her. I tolerate it but my heart's not really in it.

She understands my passion for Everton, though, and she amazed me years ago when she had one of those house name thingies
that you put on the wall near the front door made for me.

Pressed out gold lettering on a varnished timber board - EVERTON. Spreads the word to everyone who knocks on the door.
really proud of my missus. When we met 6 years ago I doubt she'd even watched a game, anyone. Right from the off she realized that one of the greatest loves of my life was / is Everton and got on board. She loves going to the game, we'll be at the Arsenal and Chelsea games, will join in the singing, laugh at the banter, smile a lot, be able to name the team (and identify them) .. she makes my obsession acceptable and I love her for that
My Mrs hates football and doesn't have anything to do with it. I am more than happy with that because it is my thing, I can go the pub when I want and watch MOTD in peace. She has been to Goodison for a charity match that I played in (she paid the £425 too!) and was very impressed with Goodison but says she will never go the game because it is my thing.

My ex was into football and it was terrible I couldn't be myself at the game, she asked too many questions as well.

"Girlfriend's and Wive's come and go but Everton is for life"
My Mrs doesn't like football either. She thinks it's too soft, "why is he hurt?" "he needs to get off the ground" and "what a p*%$$y" are common phrases I hear before she walks off to do something else. She doesn't understand why I am in the pub at 6:30am (Maryland, USA) for the 1245pm (Goodison time) match or why I am reading articles and watching highlights of old matches in bed at night. She lets me be though, so I got that going for me. If I'm honest, I'm kind of glad she isn't all into Everton as it enables me a bit more freedom.
My Mrs is a kopite. She's from Accrington and supports that shower. Her family are full of Blackburn, Burnley & Accrington Stanley supporters (and a few cousins who are Man United glory hunters) yet she supports Liverpool.

I have no idea why but she does. She has never been to a Liverpool game and watches the match on the telly.

Both our kids are blue though and they terrorise her all the time with Everton songs :)

My bird is a blue, her brother has a season ticket so she knows alot about us through him and I tell (bore) her about new signings etc, she will look out for the results during the season but she isn't hardcore or anything...

Good job really cos women don't know anything about football! :pint2:
GF loves American football, but swore off the rest of the world's version prior to the WC. She did get in on the USMNT madness, but assured a few weeks ago she'd never pay attention to Everton. Recently at the bar with a friend, and he's giving her a rough go about her claim she doesn't know anything about EFC. He asked if she'd at least wear a Howard shirt (knowing she at least knew him), and she said probably not. Then, shockingly, claimed if she had to wear one, it'd be for Ross. Apparently she's picking up more than she lets on.
My Mrs is a kopite along with all her family! although to be fair she did get me big dunc's signed 95 shirt last year!
Im one of the people who would rather she never supported a team, if she supports the blues then she will go through the motions once or twice a week, not just once a month which is hard enough to live with as it stands ! If she supports the red side then i am going to try and sleep with her mother and send her a dvd to rub it in even more, but worst of all is when a non football fan tries talking football and i swear to god i feel blue but see red when some uneducated fan says; 'But arent Liverpool the best in England'..... Get a vibrator and go duck yourself you slug.

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