Waiting for answers

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Player Valuation: £500k
I've just e-mailed Ian Ross asking for some clarification on certain issues. Now I know he'll probably come back with one word answers that aren't any help, but you never know!

Anyway my e-mail is listed below. I will update this thread once/if I get a response:

Dear Mr Ross,

I am e-mailing you in the hope of receiving some answers on subjects a lot of us Everton supporters are concerned about at present. I will apologise if any of the subjects raised have been queried with you many times already by other supporters, but there seems to be a deafening silence from the club at the moment that has many of us extremely concerned.

1) The Andy Johnson Transfer

I know you can’t comment on the specifics of transfers, but I was hoping you could clear something up regarding a rumour that seems to be gathering pace. It is believed that Andy Johnson has failed his medical, or Fulham have raised concerns over the medical based on an old knee injury he had whilst playing for Crystal Palace. Could you clarify if there were any such concerns over this injury when he signed for our club? I know the club carry out stringent medicals when signing players (and rightly so too) and I find it hard to understand how Fulham could have picked up something we missed, or why they would be worried enough to ask for the deal to be restructured if we were happy to purchase him in the first place.

If the above information is incorrect in any way, please could you shed some light on what stage the transfer is at, and what the delay is?

2) The CEO position

Please could you confirm who is acting CEO in light of Keith Wyness’ departure?

Who is currently negotiating our transfer deals, and will there be any impact on transfers with regards Mr Wyness’ departure i.e. a slight delay in finalising deals in the pipeline etc?

3) Joao Moutinho

I believe you are quoted in the Portuguese press as stating the club will not pay over 20 million euro’s for Moutinho. Can you confirm you did indeed say this?

There rumblings in the Portuguese press that we have had a bid of 17 million euro’s accepted, can you either confirm or deny this?

If we haven’t yet had a bid accepted please could you update us on what stage negotiations are at i.e. ongoing, at a stand still, cancelled?

4) The Echo

How unhappy is the club with the Echo’s spin on what David Moyes said after the Chicago Fire match?

I quote: “We can’t hide the fact that we need new players. Everybody knows it. We have to get five or six players in before the season starts.”

When asked if he could see any imminent movement in the transfer market - Sporting Lisbon’s Joao Moutinho tops the wanted list - Moyes replied: “Not at the moment, no. We are in a poor, poor situation regarding going forward.”

When viewing the interview on Evertonfc.tv it would appear David Moyes didn’t even say “We are in a poor, poor situation regarding going forward”. Do you know if this was taken from a 2nd interview he did? If not will the club be enquiring why the Echo printed this quote and spread further panic through the Everton fanbase?

I appreciate you taking the time to read my e-mail and look forward to your reply.

Kind Regards

Andy Hudson
His reply will be....."Not again! How many more times do I have to tell you people? The manager has money to spend and it's entirely down to him if he doesn't spend it".
i wouldn't hold your breath mate, they are valid points you raise but surely if the club are busy with transfer dealings etc then i'm sure he wont have the time/inclination/decency to reply, your e-mail will have gone straight to his spambox with the rest of the fans emails. can't see it making it through to him on his blackberry tbh.
Your probably right, but I know a fair few fans have received replies from him recently so you never know
I wish you luck in the hope that you get a response mate, but like Kev has already said, i would'nt hold your breath.

Its abit of a waste of time im afraid, hes admitedly said to a fans 'im getting annoyed with these questions, there all teh same' or something like that. He answers in short sentences, for example "we have money" "the manager will buy players"

You wont get anything out of him, honestly, hes probably worse than Wyness, he lies even more.
GhostofDixie did the exact same thing. Got a reply saying what Ross has already said in statements to the press on the OS (albeit not liking being called a "liar" in certain terms).

He'll get 100's of the same emails per day. I personally dont feel like he shouldnt have to answer.

I can't say he'll reply to that, and I personally don't think he should. He's too senior to be fielding direct questions from fans. However I feel the club should have staff responsible for liasing with sites such as this one.
Got a reply from Ian Ross:


Rather sadly, after more than seven years of providing swift and personal responses to each and every email I received, I feel am no able to enter into correspondence.

Why? Simple really – I have had enough of the constant abuse and the persistent threats to myself and my family.

I apologise to those fair-minded supporters who seek nothing more than information, reassurance and confirmation – but enough is enough.

Rest assured – I HAVE read your email.

I hope you enjoy the forthcoming season.


Ian Ross

I bet he just sends that to the one's he doesn't want to respond to
I can't say he'll reply to that, and I personally don't think he should. He's too senior to be fielding direct questions from fans. However I feel the club should have staff responsible for liasing with sites such as this one.

Do other teams do that? Kinda of doubt Manure or Chelsea do that. Even if they did all they'd say is "no comment" or back up what other's have said in the media.
Got a reply from Ian Ross:


Rather sadly, after more than seven years of providing swift and personal responses to each and every email I received, I feel am no able to enter into correspondence.

Why? Simple really – I have had enough of the constant abuse and the persistent threats to myself and my family.

I apologise to those fair-minded supporters who seek nothing more than information, reassurance and confirmation – but enough is enough.

Rest assured – I HAVE read your email.

I hope you enjoy the forthcoming season.


Ian Ross

I bet he just sends that to the one's he doesn't want to respond to

That a bit harsh if it's true.

Otherwise the rest is a [Poor language removed] cop out. If he doesn't like it, he shold follow fat keith out the door. He's head of PR and it's the one thing he doesn't do. Nob rot.

He's one slimy ****
i am now eating a slice of humble pie, i am amazed you got any kind of reply at all, why do some of our support resort to these threats to staff and their family, i know emotions run high but it doesnt exactly encourage anyone else to come does it if their family are going to suffer abuse......he's not the england manager ffs

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