Hibbo, Neville and the great RB debate

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Southern Yankee toffee

Born not Manufactured
Everton have come to a cross roads with Hibbo and Nev. With either of them as our go to RB we are always going to be going into a game underhanded. RB is a "set and forget" type position, you pick one player and trust him to hold it down game in game out. At this moment we do not have this luxury.

This summer is when we need to buy our RB of the future. Both Hibbo and Neville are massive players for the club, it has to be said though that they are worth more to us than their real market value. Thus we cannot sell either player. Who would you look to man our RB position. What qualities are you looking for? Are we looking for a right side version of Baines? or do we want a more conservative type who can still lay in a good cross.

I hope we can sign a quality player who is young, conservative and plays a mean cross. Hopefully we can spend some cash and sign a true quality back for 4 million. This is a lot to spend on a RB but it would add so much to our side that the loss of being able to sign Peanut and Straq or Drenthe is overshadowed. It is by far our weakest position, Who do y'all want to see fill it?

let's hope Moyes has got a fkn X-box then old chum !!!


I can imagine him sitting there all night on FM doing 5 season runs, each cycle he changes a player in one position, trying to work through all the permutations.

Then crashing into bed and looking like Gollum with a hangover
I heard he only got rid of his Super Nintendo because he couldn't go "Phil Neville" on Mortal Kombat

We need a new right back, personally i dont think Coleman is that person - but hey might be wrong.

As for Hibbert and Neville, they are both useful and both should be kept around. Hibbert as back up for the RB, and Neville as back up for anywhere really - RB/DM/LB - yes he cant do them well but he can do a job.
Im fairly sure Moyes has a new RB on his shopping list for the Summer, no doubt hes gonna be looking for a complete right hand side.

It depends how many Judas we can sell to fund it tho.

I think Coleman has got it in him to be a RB but I think he might be wasted there because he does have a lot to offer to the midfield. I think we should try Coleman at RB before buying a new one.

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