777 Partners / Whatever the hell you like

Revised Polling options on who wants a 777 takeover

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If/when Moshiri wises up, dumps 777 and entertains meaningful discussions, then yes, I have absolutely no doubt that there are interested parties.
But with respect, while yourself and the two Pauls continually tell us there are other parties…no actual evidence is out there as to their existence, who they are or if they’d be better.

I understand that confidences can’t be broken and maybe some players in this prefer to lurk in the shadows but people can only believe what they can see. At the moment it’s all a bit “bird at another school, trust me, she’s gorgeous”.

It’s clear you don’t want this to go ahead, in a perfect world none of us would, but people are looking for objective facts not opinions stated as facts.
Interesting. They’re currently keeping the club afloat and have been found to be getting money from some of the richest people in the world.

Also why is a moderator bypassing the swear filter after I’ve said it’s all good for the club and city. I only want the best, it’s either them or go into administration.
Who are these "richest people in the world"?

Absolute rubbish, their money was being borrowed (Loans) from :-

ACAP and Ken King which has now been withdrawn, ACAP had their credit rating downgraded due to their dealings with 777.
777re - Their re-insurance company which has been downgraded twice in the last 6 months due to their 777 football club link.
Oligarch Oleg Boyko - 777 are in court with Boyko who is looking to put a restraining order on 777.

Look at the London Lions basketball team, lost £10m and will go out of business next season.


Its all a bit murky to draw conclusions on this news for me.

Best we can do is speculate - no one knows the conidiations, but the fact seems to be that there are some red flags 777 haven't been able to satisfy the PL and concerns exist, the conditions may be procedural and attainable, they might be out there in terms of proving funds etc - no body knows.

I'm wholly against these cowboys, for many of the reasons stated, but i imagine we are coming up to a cash call that may force this is issue one way or another at the start of April- maybe this is an extension of limbo to string along and maintain funding or force Moshiri into a decision one way or the other, if 777 meet the cash call it will take us pretty much up to the end of the season, close to the window and a different way of being able to raise funds.
I’ve seen some posters revelling in the fact these clowns might be taking over as getting one up over Paul (the esk)the guy is simply highlighting how completely unfit these clowns are to be taking us over when we’re in such a perilous state thanks to Moshiri and Kenwright , some really weird behaviour out there on Twitter ,the red flags are everywhere ,why after 8 months haven’t they been able to prove they have the means to take over us ,because they don’t plain and simple and there defaulting on payments,fans of clubs in there portfolio are routinely protesting about them ,we want this do we
I agree, The Esk spent years pointing out how bad Kenwright and Moshiri were for this club, to the pointhe and a group of supporters started the 27 campaign which got vile abuse from moronic idiots that clapped Kenwright whenever he came on the GP screen, yet it has all been proven correct and all the people that argued the case for BK, villified the 27 campaign and Moshiri look a bit stupid now.

I agreed with him on that and I agree with him on this.... 777 will finish the job of sinking Everton, picking up where BK and Moshiri have left off.
You'd like to think they're going to turn up with some form of strategy mate...surely they're not just going to walk in and continue the status quo.
I mean, can it be any worse than Moshiri? Hard to imagine.
But we’ve seen that their clubs give loans to other clubs and money goes in and out like water.
We need the absurd debt we have refinanced into a long term deal at reasonable rates. That’s step one. That will help.
Proper recruitment? That will help.
But we’re in really dire straights financially, we’ve got 99 problems and on the pitch ain’t one. They’ve got a dreadful record of ownership when we need a near miracle.
One thing i will say is that Esk,Paul Brown and Chocolate eclair will have managed to turn a whole fanbase against our potential new owners before they've even got through the door,which will almost guarantee unrest straight from the get go.

Blues need a season at least without worrying about the people at the top and with the seeds that have been sown it's not going to happen.

In my extremely humble opinion Esk won't be happy unless he's shouted his way into some form of position at the club.

Am fully prepared to give these a chance and if it does start to go south THAT is when as fans we force the issue.
Allow me to express my thoughts on this post…

I would suggest that Esk, Paul Brown and the others are trying hard not to create division - don’t laugh or mock, bear me out - by bringing to our attention and highlighting the shortfalls of the 777 approach for our club, and the folly of the now largely absentee majority shareholder in entertaining their approach AND suggesting 777 are the best future for our club.

The evidence piling up against 777 cannot be ignored or brushed under a carpet, so the need for Moshiri to end it and open negotiations with other parties is paramount.

Other parties will naturally need to satisfy the PL rules and regulations on being fit and proper prospective owners, and satisfy the financial requirements eg audited accounts, business plans, sources of funding etc but, while the 777 approach has been dragging on this long, those other interested parties will surely have all their details ready to go at a moments notice.

I wholeheartedly agree that all Blues, and indeed fans of other clubs with financial issues hogging their headlines, need more time to concentrate on what we want to love again - watching Everton play and (hopefully) win games but, in order to do that we must have a whole lot more confidence in the quality of new ownership and the executive team that will be entrusted to take the club forward.

As for Esk ‘shouting his way into some form of position’ - I have known Paul personally now for nigh on ten years, have attended business meetings with him and in all that time, I have never, ever heard him raise his voice never mind shout.

And on your final point, if 777 were to be approved and take over the club, and things were to go South… it would almost certainly be too late for us fans to force the issue.

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