6 + 2 Point Deductions

Sorry you are having such a time dealing with this buddy, a harsh reality is a good few live their lives through the lens of what passion they follow and i can truly see how it would affect you in this way, coupled with your work etc but i would ask you 100% to try and get a perspective on it and if at all possible do take a break from it, if you will allow yourself. Whatever the outcome, you need to know you have many on here that you can reach out to, yes we all have the bants etc but to feel like you are, over, as you say "these bunch of millionaires in shorts" is no way to be and i for one will gladly be at the end of a DM when it gets tough buddy.

Please feel free to vent, we are all feeling it on different levels but please look at outside of footie for anything that gives you an escape, we, Everton etc will all still be here whatever the outcome.

Stay safe Fellow Blue 💙
Cheers pal. It almost feels like a coming out, been bottling it for years behind a mask of funny memes and gifs. I've supported them unconditionally, lived every moment good and bad they've been through for the best part of a quarter-century.

But everyone has a breaking point. Everyone. Being stuck on -10 will just about finish me. I'll never watch another minute of PL football if we go down/become extinct directly because of the -10.

I'll then have to find a Rugby League team to curse with my support. If you see Widnes Vikings go into administration next year, you'll know who is responsible :D
These past few years have been genuine horrible though I agree. The amount of football I have watched from so many teams, from Watford, Burnley to Leeds, Leicester and Forest, Palace and Luton. As well then familiarising yourself with the business side of the game. I just want to go back to normal when I'd only watch and think Evertons game on a weekend and that's it.

The Pathetic at it again, more propaganda and client journalism articles bigging masters and the premier league.

Now Ukraine and Covid are mitigating factors as to why Dicky has got a tough job, but they meant nothing to Everton building a brand new football stadium - laughable and contemptible.

Where was this article before the appeal?! Expect more before any announcement to garner support for any non-return of points etc.

So sick and tired of this rubbish.

So the war is a mitigating factor now? Interesting.
If I had an F5 button, "F5" would be tattooed on my index finger. FFS, I can't stand this.

At 6.30 yesterday morning I literally had a nervous breakdown after pushing 40 hours without sleep. All nighters at work also a factor - doing about 2 weeks' worth in 3 days at the end of Jan.

Over the years I've been conditioned: Premier League footy = life, anything else = death.

Top flight football isn't good for my mental health though. I quit following it I'm a wuss, I keep following it I'm still one of the 'guys' but I become more like gollum every year. Perfect brain trap.

I'm 35 in April. I want to enjoy the last dregs of my youth without a care in the world, instead of worrying about a bunch of millionaires in shorts, and what another bunch of millionaires in suits are going to do to Everton.
You can treat football sincerely without taking it seriously
Put the greater part of yourself into things you can control, which based on your account of cramming that much work into a few days, you sound more than capable of doing.
Football is definitely not worth losing your peace of mind for. Allow yourself a fume or a celebration during the matches but switch off then. It is entertainment at the end of the day, even if it feels like more than that at times.
Btw anybody who would think you a wuss if you quit following it needs to give their head a wobble

Cheers pal. It almost feels like a coming out. I've supported them unconditionally, lived every moment good and bad they've been through for the best part of a quarter-century.

But everyone has a breaking point. Everyone. Being stuck on -10 will just about finish me. I'll never watch another minute of PL football if we go down/become extinct directly because of the -10.

I'll then have to find a Rugby League team to curse with my support. If you see Widnes Vikings go into administration next year, you'll know who is responsible :D
That last sentence made me lol and gave me encouragement that you have this mate!

I will defo keep an eye on the Vikings now tho:)

Anytime you need a vent, go for it mate. Loads on here will be the same im sure of it, some good people on here!
Something from the Athletic about Ukraine and Covid making Richard Masters' job hard... possible precursor to the appeals panel admitting Ukraine WAS a mitigating factor? Wishful thinking but right now I'm grasping at anything.

I've hardly slept at all last 5 days. If the -10 pts stick I think we're gone.
Focus on other things mate its not worth it.

Even if we go down, Life goes on. The PL is dead now anyway

Was a different attitude from the club after the result from the first case, i dont kno for certain but for me felt we went into the first one accepting we had broke rules. Then the club thought would be some sort fine ect not the points taken off. From the statement after and the second charge what they said club looks to be fighting back. I dont think we will be a pushover this time i feel like they will be after everything and wont just take whatever the league give us

so know i’ve said if we get points back then the second shouldn’t stand
