6 + 2 Point Deductions

Var works in other places and in FIFA and UEFA competitions. It doesn’t in the PL and we all know why. It doesn’t really support your argument because there is one common factor in all of this - the PL.

The whole thing is a joke and unless you were on the right side of it when it was brought in and considered one of Master’s big clubs, like yours, then you won’t experience anything like what the other 14+ deal with.
Not sure VAR works anywhere.

In UEFA competitions you have as many issues. For instance did you watch the Copenhagen v Utd game ?

We all become very territorial when it comes to how we view a decision and yes we have benefited but it’s not just about the decisions it’s the time taken to reach a conclusion it’s about when you score a goal not really being able to celebrate.
Wait and see, they;ll accept Forest’s defence that it made sense to postpone sale of Johnson to get more cash and allow them an add back of £30m.
despite telling us to do one saying we sold Richy on the cheap to have it in accounts!
Thing is they probably should accept it as a mitigation. The rules are about profit and sustainability and meant to prevent mismanagement, well selling a player for 30m when you could get 45 a few weeks later is mismanagement.

It’s ludicrous clubs should have to sell players on the cheap to hit a certain number at a certain date. There is so much more to how well or badly a club is being run than a year end profit or loss figure. Being forced to run your club badly to prove you’re running your club well is madness.

We are banged to rights.

We have admitted that most of our PSR exclusions were false. The two we are clinging to are the Stadium interest and the transfer levy. The Premier League has documentation showing two things. That the terms of the loan state it was not for Stadium funding and secondly that Moshiri was providing interest-free loans for the Stadium.

The transfer levy is even more ludicrous. It primarily goes to top-up pension funds and is not for youth development.

You can pay for the best Barrister on the planet but it is pointless if he has no grounds to challenge the decision of the Independent panel.

The fact the punishment was more severe than the punishment for going into administration, which the Profit and sustainability rules are meant to protect against means there's ample room to challenge the decision. Are you that much of an imbecile you can't grasp that?

I asked you earlier if you thought an overspend of roughly just one years of Salah's wages, is worthy of the harshest ever punishment handed out by the Premier League. You keep dodging these basic principle questions though and revert to waffling on about technical issues and claiming we have no grounds for appeal. Even in a criminal court, the guiltiest man alive can have grounds for appeal, so please stop talking rubbish, and please. please answer my question once and for all.
I'm rapidly getting to the stage where I simply can't be arsed about football in general and Everton particular.

Pathetic on my part but I seem consumed by our difficulties and could be time to take a step back and find something else to do with my time.
Its because we cant even talk about the actual football on the pitch, both the club and the league trying to destryoy us fans.
The fact the punishment was more severe than the punishment for going into administration, which the Profit and sustainability rules are meant to protect against means there's ample room to challenge the decision. Are you that much of an imbecile you can't grasp that?

I asked you earlier if you thought an overspend of roughly just one years of Salah's wages, is worthy of the harshest ever punishment handed out by the Premier League. You keep dodging these basic principle questions though and revert to waffling on about technical issues and claiming we have no grounds for appeal. Even in a criminal court, the guiltiest man alive can have grounds for appeal, so please stop talking rubbish, and please. please answer my question once and for all.

He's desperate for us to accept the punishment, no matter how unjust...I wonder why ?

We are banged to rights.

We have admitted that most of our PSR exclusions were false. The two we are clinging to are the Stadium interest and the transfer levy. The Premier League has documentation showing two things. That the terms of the loan state it was not for Stadium funding and secondly that Moshiri was providing interest-free loans for the Stadium.

The transfer levy is even more ludicrous. It primarily goes to top-up pension funds and is not for youth development.

You can pay for the best Barrister on the planet but it is pointless if he has no grounds to challenge the decision of the Independent panel.
Haha we!
Oh behave yourself, falling over kopites copy and paste posts
I noticed nobody has discussed the points he raised and merely just called him a kopite.

But I get it, people need a Monster.

"So instead of this being a witch hunt against us the Premier League actually helped us out. They also allowed us to include much bigger COVID losses £170m almost double the next biggest losses which was Arsenal at £86m followed by Villa at £56m."

I thought this was his best line.

Would LOVE somebody to explain that 1 to me.
Also i kno prob others have covered it but to call any team in the football league in england is pathetic. Should all be treated the same hopefully again today we can get more eyes on this clown.
