Ban Craig Pawson from all future Everton games

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I don't believe refs are being briefed to give decisions against Everton. Don't put down to malice what can be explained by incompetence.

Ultimately decisions have always been given against the 'smaller' teams because the football ecosystem places extra scrutiny on the teams competing at the top end of the table, the sky 6, whether that's commentators, pundits, or the media, the story is always exacerbated when it's a decision made against Man City or the RS. Refs generally are, and I'm sorry if there are some on here, little cucks who are more afraid of how they might look than whether they are doing the right thing, and VAR hasn't changed that, if anything it's made it worse cos refs now have a nice blanket to hide behind where they can blithely refer to the rulebook and in doing so absolve themselves of responsibility. "Not my fault guvna - that was according to the laws endangering an opponent - I don't make the rules"

Only way to change this is for the club to make a show of it. Someone said we hadn't been given a pen or red card against us in three years. If that's the case then Dyche needs to pull out a Mourinho/Bielsa style media briefing where he painstakingly runs through all the different injustices and inconsistencies so that the next time Refs have to make a call against us they think twice about whether they are being objective or whether they are making the cowards choice
I think you're missing the point. It isn't decisions against Everton. It is decisions to feed a narrative.

I feel that decision yesterday was to create a talking point. Let's face it, both teams were pretty poor last night and it was a dull 0-0 that was televised (what used to be called a hard fought draw). The sending off created a story and thousands of lines of media coverage, tweets, reports and hours of analysis and discussion.

Can't Everton just ban him from the premises? That would a. Prevent him from refereeing or officiating the game physically and b. Make it impossible for the Premier League to appoint him as a VAR as how could you allow somebody that's been barred from a private business make decisions that directly impact the business?
I think you're missing the point. It isn't decisions against Everton. It is decisions to feed a narrative.

I feel that decision yesterday was to create a talking point. Let's face it, both teams were pretty poor last night and it was a dull 0-0 that was televised (what used to be called a hard fought draw). The sending off created a story and thousands of lines of media coverage, tweets, reports and hours of analysis and discussion.
I really don't think it was mate

Do you think that decision goes against Spurs or Chelsea in a bore draw on a Thursday night? Ofc it doesn't, but it does against us.

Why? Because there isn't the same consequences

It all comes back to Moyes. He should have come.out and said what Clattenburg told him years back. Instead we avoided having him referee our games for a long time in exchange for silence.

We should have just come straight out and said it. Open up the can of worms.

I'd love Dyche to just say now, I think they are making decisions based upon whether it is Everton or not. Say it clear as day, no way to misinterpret. I'd put money in a pot to pay his fines. You can't fine somebody for bringing the game into disrepute by them calling out disreputable actions.
There in lies the problem mate. You can if you're the FA or premier league. Even when they're wrong they do what they want.
Who was the support, support VAR and the support, support, support VAR. FFS how many people does it take to make a wrong decision.
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