Shocking. That ref has obviously never played football on his life.
Only gave it because var called him to the screen. Its not the referee's fault, but var really. That's the issue really that dyche is talking about...var making an isolated decision against referee and linesman on the pitch. Its killing the game. VAR should be limited to penalty box, red cards and offsides. Unfortunately, once they called to the screen, it's a given that they will go with var.
Needs to go back to its original definition...
Clear and obvious errors.....
The var official is not in charge of the match, they are there to alert the match day officials if they have missed a clear and obvious error.....
The officials had clear sight of the goal and decided it was fine.....
Absolute farce once again
Ref had no bottle too, he should have stuck to his guns, surely he knew how tenuous it was to over turn that goal because of something so minor, something that may not have been a foul but needed multi slow mo replays to call out. Could have done the right thing there and been applauded by many others than us. Bottler.
The same ref that didn’t give Anthony Gordon 2 pens at the pit 2 years ago
Same ref that checked the ball for our corner was in the D. Didn’t check any of Liverpools.
Same ref that was on VAR and sent Allen off against Newcastle.
They are still here every week making the same bent poor decisions.

We need refs from abroad being flown in for games then go home again straight after (Not Collina of course)

Tbf ...I was In the ground and seated near where it I thought it was a free kick...but when he didn't give it and now watching the replay I don't think it's an obvious error
I can’t believe no one in here is talk g about Danjumas last shot, called offside, was clearly on, then the ball bounced off the keepers thigh behind the line and back out again. Potentially a goal and VAR didn’t even look at it. Disgraceful
The ref should have to ask for a check from VAR on as particular matter, not VAR scouring (with differing degrees of diligence depending on the club badge) to try its hardest to find a foul to prove how clever and in touch with the rules they are. If the ref is happy with his decision he doesn't ask for a check.

….Mike Dean is on the Sky panel that watches live games and comments on incidents as they happen. in respect of our VAR today he apparently said ‘this will never be overturned’ when he was asked for his opinion. When it was overturned he said ‘that’s astonishing’.

So here we have a recently retired PL referee with many years experience saying ‘this will never be overturned’. Decisions shouldn’t be so wildly subjective because it makes VAR pointless. The aim is to have a level playing field of consistency otherwise you‘re not advancing from on-field decisions only.

it would be good to see a clip of the Mike Dean response.
I think the inconsistency is actually starting to destroy the game. Better before were there were a ref errors and you felt it balanced out. Now they are getting involved in the most innocuous of decisions. Noone can say that the tackle Gomes did was a clear and OBVIOUS error.
And the ref walking over to the screen, what an absolute joke. They are 100% going with the slow mo VAR decision. I was a supporter of VAR, but it doesnt feel right and something needs to change.
VAR = Not fit for purpose
I can’t believe no one in here is talk g about Danjumas last shot, called offside, was clearly on, then the ball bounced off the keepers thigh behind the line and back out again. Potentially a goal and VAR didn’t even look at it. Disgraceful
Goal line technology showed it didn’t go in. It wouldn’t have been given anyway
