Summer transfer window 2023

This summer transfer window is critical in light of the pending FFP investigation. We should conduct business now to guard against some potential outcomes. A few considerations:

(1) Potential monetary penalties - Spend what we can now on players; if we are assessed a monetary penalty for FFP violations, any player purchases would be that much more challenging financially in the next window.

(2) Potential transfer ban - This would be a tough one for us. We need to ensure we have enough players (including youth) under contract to field a competitive team while the ban is in place. For example, if we are unable to buy players in Jan. or next summer, we had better position ourselves now to withstand that. A number of players are out of contract for us next summer, we must ensure enough players are under contract in the event we are given a transfer ban. Any one year loans would expire, so if we are banned next summer for example, we need enough players under contract through the next season.

(3) Potential points deduction - Of course we try to win as many games as we can, but plan on at least 50 points (not the usual minimum of 40 to stave off relegation) in case we get some type of points deduction imposed on us (10 pts. maybe?). We need to get our business done before Fulham, every game/point is critical.

Good times!
If we are going to be found guilty the punishment will be nothing more than a suspended transfer ban that will only be implemented if we fall foul of the rules again.
